Paw print 0.

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It was a hot summer night when Minho heared that rasping outside for the first time.

The busier months of work were finally done, all the stress was in the past now and he was enjoying a lonely dinner in his empty kitchen.

What's that...?

He wondered.

Maybe a racoon...? Or a fox...

Knowing damn well that one of his neighbors owned chickens and not wanting the animals to find them, Minho took out a broom and got outside, ready to shoo them away.

But what he saw made him instantly reconsider...
There, rolling in the soft grass of his garden was a tiny orange kitten.


Minho instantly placed the broom down, instead outstretching a hand, softly calling for it.

The cat looked at him with wide green eyes, seemingly considering what to do next; then slowly but surely, it got closer... and closer... finally placing its small head against his hand.

"Hey, kitty..." Minho whispered, not wanting to scare it away:
"Do you want some food?"


Minho chuckled:
"Vocal, are we? Wait here, I'll get you something"

But when he trotted back out of the house with a can of tuna the kitten was already running away, startled by a noise coming from near by.

"No! Come back... I have food..."

But it was too late. Minho glared at his neighbor's window.

Who the fuck plays guitar this late in the evening I swear to god.

Minho wouldn't say that he hated his neighbor... but he surely wasn't his favorite person...


"What a fucking bummer dude..." Jisung was complaining from his balcony, the breeze offering sweet solace to his sweaty body:

"We've been trying to convince them for months... at this point it's getting useless..."

He waved his cigarette around and sighed.

"Yeah... I'll see you later, Lix...bye"

He placed his phone on the kitchen table and opened his fridge, staring at his options. Nothing looked interesting.

A frustrated groan escaped his throat but then...

"Meow! Meow!"


Jisung opened his front door and saw a miserable scene: a tiny orange kitten was hiding on the roof of his tool shed, running away from an unleashed dog on the street.

It was trembling but it still poofed up its fur and let out a weak hiss.

Jisung smiled at the scene.

Small but fiesty... so cute...

He approached the gate and looked out until he saw the dog's owner:


the owner, an ugly man who looked just like a pitbull, shot him a venomous stare but took the dog away swiftly.

Wait... did I just call it my cat?

He looked up at those green eyes:

Well if the label fits...

"Can you please stop shouting, I'm trying to work here!"
his neighbor's voice reached him.

Jisung rolled his eyes:
"Yeah, yeah..."

What a stuck up snob his neighbor was. So allergic to wonder and fun.

Well at least I have a companion now...


I love cats and I love Minsung, dream fic for me hehe

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