Paw print 6.

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"Stay here, I'll try to retrace our steps"

Jisung nodded, clearly still shaken.

Minho disappeared into the bushes and finally Ji let himself cry.

Here, this looks familiar

Thought Min, following the deer tracks backwards. He was about to call for Ji but in that second something moved in the darkness and he stiffened. He knew there were wolves in those woods and that knowledge only scared him more as his eyes searched for something, anything between a tree and another.

Then....there! It was...



And he ran towards that small orange figure, chasing it bush after bush, rock after rock... but he ran and ran, so quick...

"Ed!! Ed it's me, stop! You're hurt!"

He could hear Jisung's steps behind him but he never took his eyes off of that glimpse of fur until...

"Min, we're back on the path!"


One second. Minho stopped looking for one second and Ed was lost.

But yes, they were back on the path.

"Wow. How the fuck did you find it, you madman??" Jisung exclaimed, laughing out of relief.

But Min was still looking into the darkness:
"I just followed...-"

Was that Ed? Or did I just imagine it?

But his thoughts were interrupted by Jisung swinging an arm around his shoulders:

"You saved my future, you annoying fuck. If I get into med school it'll only be because of you... Damn it, does that mean that I owe you?"

"You definitely do"

Med school? What?? That seems so unlike him...


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