Paw print 27.

513 23 0

"Wake up, sleepyhead!!"

A voice and then the whoof of a pillow smashing on his face.

Jisung groaned as a response.

"You have band practice in 30 minutes! Do you really want to make sweet Felix wait?"

"30 MINUTES!?"

As Jisung threw himself off the bed and ran to the bathroom with a handful of random clothes he heared the clinking of dishes come from the kitchen along with the savory smell of avocado toast.

He then had to admit to himself that in the past few weeks his daydream had somewhat come true...except for the most important part.

They still weren't dating.

Sure, they never spent a day apart.
They never slept, ate, spent their afternoons apart.
They shared houses, their cat...even their clothes (realised Jisung, seeing that he had taken Minho's hoodie by accident).

But they weren't dating.

They were doing it for Soonie after all.... or that's what they liked to tell themselves.

Jisung rolled his eyes at himself in the mirror.

What a load of bullshit

Well it was for him.

Minho instead...was very hard to read.
There he was, peeking in the bathroom without a care in the world, shirt half on half off to tell him that he had left his toast on the table.

Once again, Jisung's heart skipped a beat. It was so hard for him to get over that inconsiderate show of naked skin, but Min didn't seem bothered at all.

"I know it's hard but please try not to make your bandmates go mad, I kinda like them" he shouted as a goodbye.

"Can't make any promises but roger that" Ji answered with a mischevious tone.

It all felt so... intimate.

But they weren't dating.
And Jisung was starting to get frustrated at it all.


Heart shaped paws °•Minsung•°حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن