Chapter Four: A Baby?

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Rick and Shane have been gone for a while with the others, and Laney wishes she was with them more and more. She tried to read her book but couldn't focus on the words; she'd reread it a hundred times and still not understand it.

"Lori, I'm bored." Laney sighs, sitting next to her in the RV.

"I'm going to take a little walk around if you want to come with me?" Lori asks.

Laney nods so fast that she gets a little dizzy, which has happened a lot more since she woke up in the pharmacy.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" Lori asks, noticing Laney's slight slaying.

"I'm fine," Laney mumbles.

"I promise," She adds when Lori looks concerned.

"Let's tell your brother we're going for a walk," Lori says. Laney grabs her firetruck toy, and they search for Elliot.

"How's it going, Laney?" Dale calls down from the top of the RV when they walk out.

"I'm good! How are you?" Laney politely asks.

"I'm doing okay. Are you looking for your brother?" Dale asks.

Laney nods and looks around the camp but doesn't see him. Dale says he's in the tent, so Laney runs ahead of Lori and calls Elliot's name. He didn't zip it all the way, so she peeked her head in, and Elliot was lying on his side, facing away from the opening.

"Eli, are you awake?" Laney whispers, stepping over the sleeping bag so she is face-to-face with him.

"I'm awake." Elliot mumbles, not even glancing at her.

"Lori and I are gonna go on a walk, wanna come with us?"

"No. I'm going to sleep for a little bit. You have fun, though."

Laney stays in the tent briefly before leaving and zipping it closed only halfway. Meeting Lori a few feet from the tent, they walk towards the fields. Laney is ahead of Lori, picking up random rocks and sticks that she thinks are cool. Showing every single one of them to Lori, and Lori lets her. She never once asks her to stop or to leave her alone. Lori's happy to be the person Laney wants to share these things with. Memories that she'll hopefully remember forever.

Lori wanted that for Laney. She knew about their situation after Elliot had sat down with her and Rick a few days ago after Laney fell asleep. He told them about their parents and why they ended up alone on the road.

Lori wanted Laney to be able to enjoy being a kid, just like she wanted Carl to. Maybe with someone around their age, they'd start being kids again.

"Lori! Look at this one!" Laney says excitedly.

She runs over to Lori and hands her the rock she found, and Lori grins at her.

"Laney, it's a beautiful rock. I love it." Lori smiles.

"Can we take it back with us?"

"Of course, we can, sweetheart; we'll start a collection; how about that?" Lori says as Laney nods and runs off to find more.

Laney started finding rocks that she could show Elliot and Glenn. She finds just a few more before running up to a tree that is the biggest she'd ever seen. Her first thought was that she would never reach the top, but the other part wanted to climb it so badly.

She hadn't climbed a tree in so long, and it was like she was itching to do it again.

"Lori?" Laney called out for maybe the tenth time on this walk.

"Yeah?" Lori responded.

"Can I climb the tree?" Laney asked, staring up at the massive tree in front of her.

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