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                        ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️
This chapter contains mature content such as sexual and adult activities which might be sensitive to some readers , so sensitive readers please DO NOT READ , the author looks forward to wellbeing of everyone

The walk back to the castle is filled with laughter and light-hearted conversations about their experiences at your house. They tease each other playfully, creating a warm atmosphere around you. As they approach the castle gates, they all look at you expectantly, waiting for your next move.

Yn:I looked at them to find them starring at me .....

The seven of them are looking at you with love and concern in their eyes, wondering what you're thinking.

Jin is the first to break the silence, "So, princess. Are you happy?  You get to meet your parents.

Yn:yeah I'm happy " I said smiling slightly

Their hearts swell with joy upon seeing your smile. They exchange glances, relieved that you seem genuinely happy about the reunion. As they continue towards the castle entrance, Jimin slips his hand into yours, offering reassurance and comfort.

Yn POV:I flinch from his touch but let him hold my hand.......as we all entered the castle

The seven of them enter the castle, your hands still intertwined with Jimin's. They lead you down the halls, their smiles never leaving their faces as they try to lift your spirits and cheer you up.....

Yn:I'm tired"

It's understandable, sweetheart," Yoongi says softly, his gaze gentle on yours. "Why don't you rest for a while? We'll be here when you wake up." The others nod in agreement, their eyes full of concern for your wellbeing.

Yn:okay I'll go in the room

As you make your way to the room, the others ensure that it's prepared for your comfort. They exchange knowing looks, understanding the fatigue that must be weighing heavily upon you.

Sleep tight, sweetheart," Jimin whispers as he gently closes the door behind you. The others nod in unison,.

The room is dimly lit, casting a soft glow across the comfortable bed. You can hear the soft murmur of voices outside, their concern for you evident. As you climb into the bed, exhaustion washes over you, and before long, your eyes close in slumber.

arghh!! let's go guys or I won't be able to control myself any longer," Jungkook reassures, his voice barely above a whisper.

The others nod in agreement, their gazes never leaving your closed door.They take a deep breath, slowly pushing the door open. The room is still dark, and it takes their eyes a moment to adjust. You're fast asleep, your even breathing a welcome sight. They exchange relieved glances, their hearts pounding frantically in their chests.

She looks so peaceful," Jin murmurs. "I hope she has sweet dreams." They all nod,.

Taehyung: goes she looks so pretty Arghh  it's hard to control myself she's so addictive

Jimin: why are we even waiting when we can have her I'm sure she won't mind

They each take a moment to study you, their hearts filled with tenderness and love.

" hey don't you think she'll feel bad if again do it without her permission?" Hoseok said looking at his brothers.

The others nod in agreement, a hint of concern passing between them.

"Let's wait until she wakes up," Suga suggests.

They exchange glances, their passionate yearnings tempered by their concern for your wellbeing they were sitting looking at you when noticed you murmur in your sleep.

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