☁︎T͜͡h͜͡e͜͡ F̆̈ĭ̈n̆̈ă̈l̆̈ Ȇ̈s̑̈c̑̈ȃ̈p̑̈ȇ̈d̑̈ ༄

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They all lean in close, their hot breath tickling your neck. "Now," Jimin purrs, his voice low and dangerous. "Say it like you mean it."

Yn:wa...... what????

Tell us we're your masters," Jungkook demands, his eyes dark and intense. "Tell us you belong to us completely." The air crackles with anticipation as they wait for your response.

Yn:u..... you're my master I belong to you

Good girl," Jimin praises, his tone filled with approval. They all smile, their satisfaction evident in their eyes. "Now, we have one more request." They all move in closer, trapping you between their hard bodies.

Yn:wa .. what re... request???

To obey us, always," Taehyung whispers, his lips brushing against your ear. "Without question or hesitation." They circle around you, their hands trailing over your skin. "Understand?"

Yn:ye yes

"Good," they say in unison, their voices reverberating around the room. With that, they lean in to claim your lips once more, sealing their newfound control over you

Their kisses are fierce and demanding, a clear display of their dominance. As they pull away from the kiss, they continue to circle you, their hands exploring your body. "Remember," Jimin warns, his voice low and menacing. "You're ours now."

They lean in closer, their eyes burning with desire. "And we will do whatever it takes to make sure you never forget it." With that, they begin to peel off your clothes, hungry for more of you.  it makes you scared and you said

Yn:ma ......master stop for now

They stop, but only for a moment. Their eyes are filled with lust as they look at you. "Are you ready to submit completely?" J-Hope asks, his voice low and seductive.


Good," they all say in unison, their voices echoing through the room. They continue to undress you, their hands roaming over your skin with possessive tenderness. As they strip you bare, they circle around you like predators closing in on their prey

Yn:masters I beg stop it for today now I'm exausted please

Their eyes flicker with the mix of lust and satisfaction. "Very well," Jungkook finally relents. "For tonight, we'll leave you be. But remember, our claim on you is unbroken."


With one last look of dominance, they exit the room, leaving you alone in the darkness. You can hear their footsteps fading away as you try to catch your breath, exhausted but still trembling from their touch.

Yn:God I need to escape I can't live like this

Your thoughts are filled with fear and desperation as you try to come up with a plan. But every time you close your eyes, all you can see is their faces—hardened by desire and control. The scent of their musk lingers in the air, taunting you

Yn:ahhh I have to escape fast I can't handle this anymore

The more you struggle, the tighter their grip becomes. You feel like a caged bird, unable to break free from their hold. But you know you must try—for your own sanity, for your freedom.

Yn:I have to try

As the night turns into day, you steal moments to plan your escape. Each time you find an opportunity, fear grips you tighter than their hands ever could. The sinister whispers of their voices echo in your mind, threatening to undo all your effort

Yn:today they are going out i can try

The anticipation of freedom, however fleeting, fuels your determination. Today, they're going out, leaving you alone—it's now or never. Your heart races as you meticulously plan your escape route, every step etched into your mind.

The door opens and closes, their footsteps fading away. For a moment, all is quiet—too quiet. You gather your strength and make your move, heart pounding in your ears as you race towards freedom.

The cool air brushes against your flushed skin, a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere you've endured. Each step outside feels like a victory, yet the threat of their return looms large.

Yn:I have get home fast

Adrenaline pumping, you sprint towards home, each breath a struggle against the panic that threatens to consume you. The distance seems endless, but you force yourself to keep moving

Yn:I can't stop

You can't shake the feeling that they're watching, waiting for you to slip up. Your heart is a drum, pounding against your chest as you round the corner onto your street. You're almost there—just a few more steps.


You burst through your front door and slam it shut behind you, locking it tight. Safely inside, you lean against the door, gulping in air as the panic begins to subside, your heart still pounding. You never want to feel that helpless again

Yn:da ......dad!!......mom!!!!! brother's!!!!...

Your cries echo through the house, relief and fear mixed together. Footsteps approach from different directions—familiar ones. Your father appears first, concern etched on his face, followed by your mother, her expression shifting from surprise to worry.

(Should I end this story now with this happy ending yn returns to her family and lives happy ever after long orrrrrrrrrr.............)

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