The meet

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You were outside the castle thinking weather you should inside or not cuz your were having gudd feeling..the air was freezy and were feeling weird type of energy....

Yn:you approach the castle door, hesitantly okay let's open the door not to fear when music is here

As you went inside yoh started to have some uneasy feeling

Yn:I didnt feel right should I go back.....but I find that book secrets of the SEVEN SINS will be revealed....yn yoh have to do it !!!! I have to make dad proud!!

With thinking that you decided to search for the book .....Book of The SEVEN SINS

Aa you went upstairs you started to check the rooms one by one ......
But little does you know who's waiting in the next room.......

Yn: okay let's open this door

the door creaks open, revealing the Seven sins


Mmmmph!" they groan and turn towards the sound, their eyes widening as they see you

RM: smirks, a wicked glint in his eye "Well, well. It seems our prey, chosen one has arrived." The other sins chuckle darkly, their arousal evident despite their chains.

Yn: pardon??prey?? chosen ?? what you even talking I've come to take that book

Namjoon: "Oh, but we're not letting you go that easily. Not until we've had our fun.
Yn:God stop playing around or... you know what can my dad do

Little does you know whome you're talking to

Suga:Your dad? Pfft. We are the seven deadly sins, bound by no mortal chains. Now, why don't you come closer and see what we can do for you?" They begin to slowly undo their chains, their movements suggestive.

Namjoon: "Oh, but we want you to stay. We have plans for you."

Yn:move away Mr. let me get my thing

Hoseok: "Aren't you curious, little one? We can show you pleasures beyond your wildest dreams." They begin to touch themselves suggestively, their eyes never leaving yours.

Yn:ewwww yuk how dirty

Yoongi: "And isn't that what makes it thrilling? The taboo, the naughtiness?" He smirks, his hand reaching out to brush against your skin.

Yn:hey don't touch me I have electric gun

Namjoon: "Oh, but you see, my dear, we're much more dangerous than any gun." He circles around you, his hips gyrating suggestively.

Yn:but the electricity here will shock you

Taehyung: "We're willing to take that risk for the chance to taste you." His voice is low and husky, echoing off the walls.

Getting worried you took your phone tried to call your dad
Seokjin: "You call your father? How pathetic. We're the ones who should be calling out for help." They laugh, their chains rattling as they close in on you.

Jimin: "You're so innocent, yet you exude such a strong aura. It's intoxicating." He leans in closer, his breath hot against your ear.

Yn:get away you piece of shit

Hoseok: "You think you can command us? We are the ones in control here." He grabs your wrist, pulling you towards him.

Yn:yes it's my life my rule

Jungkook: "Oh, really? Then let's make this even more interesting." He grins, stepping back just enough to reveal his arousal trapped within his pants.

Yn:puffff how small my finger is bigger than that

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