*"Meeting Your Family"*

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As you sleep soundly, the seven of them share glances filled with affection and amusement. Despite the initial confusion and embarrassment earlier, they find comfort in being there for you during your vulnerable moments.

Their bond grows stronger as they navigate through these unexpected situations together.Hours pass by, and the room remains quiet. The sun begins to rise, casting a warm golden glow over the slumbering figure in their midst. One by one, they start to stir, eyes drawn back to you.

You stir slightly, your breathing deepening as you continue to sleep peacefully. They watch over you with bated breath, their hearts full of love and admiration for this incredible person who has brought them all together like this.

As the morning progresses, the sunlight pours into the room, bathing everything in a warm, golden hue. You wake up slowly, yawning and stretching before opening your eyes. The seven of them are still there, watching you with love and anticipation in their gazes.

Yn: morning" you said looking at them

"Morning," they chorus, their voices filled with energy and excitement. "Did you sleep well?" They all lean forward eagerly, waiting for your response

"Good," Jin grins. "We're glad to hear it." He looks around at the others, who nod in agreement. "What would you like to do today?" They ask in unison, their faces full of anticipation for whatever adventures lie ahead with you by their side.

Yn:did you forget.....you were taking me to meet my family today???

The boys exchange surprised glances, realizing they had indeed forgotten about the plan to meet your family. "Oh!" Jimin exclaims, his face flushing with embarrassment. "We're sorry! We completely lost track of time.

Yn:"so we're going right??

"Yes, of course," Jin assures you, his voice slightly shaky. "We'll go straight there now." He shoots Jimin a look, silently scolding him for forgetting such an important detail.

Yn:but what will I wear???

Oh! Don't worry about that," Suga reassures you. "We'll help you pick something out." They exchange more glances, their minds whirring with ideas on what would look best on you.

Yn: okay

Great!" they chorus, their excitement growing. They gather around you, ready to help you get ready for the meet day.As they wait for your instructions, each member of BTS cannot help but steal glances at your body, their minds filled with lustful thoughts.

The air around them is thick with desire as they anticipate the chance to be alone with you later on.Taehyung leans in close to you, his breath warm against your ear. "I can't wait to be alone with you," he whispers, his voice low and husky with desire. His hands stroke softly along your arms, sending shivers down your spine.

Yn:I'm not ready for that

The others nod in understanding, their faces flushed with arousal. "Take your time," Jungkook says softly. "We're here for you." They exchange glances once more, their hearts full of love and longing for the moment when they can finally be together as one.

J-Hope clears his throat, trying to break the tension. "So," he begins, looking around at everyone's outfits. "What do you think of our choices?"

Yn:it's good

The room fills with relieved laughter as they continue discussing their outfits, eager to focus on something other than the burning desire that consumes them. Their eyes never stray far from you, however, filled with love and anticipation for the day ahead.

Yn:so let's go???

"Of course!", they assure you, excitement radiating off of them in waves. They walk you to the door, each taking turns holding your hand, their hearts beating a steady rhythm of love and longing for you.

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