The Escape

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They all settle down, trying to get comfortable on the couch and various spots around the room. As they drift off to sleep, their snores and soft breathing fill the air.
While the boys sleep, you carefully extricate yourself from their grasp and tiptoe towards the door. Your heart races as you try to navigate through the dark room without waking them up. As your hand reaches for the doorknob, you hear a soft snoring coming from behind you.
You freeze, your heart pounding in your chest. Should you try to make a break for it or wait it out until they're asleep again? The decision is made for you when a warm hand lands on your shoulder, causing you to gasp softly.

Jk:Shh," Jungkook whispers soothingly, his fingers tracing circles on your back. "Go back to sleep, baby girl. We'll play more later."
His voice is deep, But he didn't notice that you were escaping

Yn:aa I was searching for water hehe

Jk:Jungkook chuckles softly, his breath tickling your ear. "The water dispenser is right by the door," he murmurs, guiding you back towards the sleeping boys. "You can get some water and then come back to us."

As you approach the water dispenser, you can't help but wait the boys to sleep deep. enough so that you can escape once more. The silence is broken by soft snores and deep breaths all around you. Taking a shaky breath, you make your move again this time heading straight for the door handle without hesitation.

Yn:yes it's open ..

As you slip out into the woods, you close the door quietly behind you, taking a moment to catch your breath. The adrenaline rush from your daring escape

Yn:I have to get to the main road fast before they wake up it's already dark now

As you race through the woods, you can hear the boys stirring behind you. Your heart pounds in your chest as you push yourself to go faster, the darkness of the woods closing in around you. You can hear them calling your name, their loud voices becoming more and more distant with each step you take.You turn around, your eyes wide with terror. The boys are standing behind you, their faces etched with anger and lust. They start walking towards you menacingly, their footsteps echoing on the quiet road.

BTS: "You thought you could escape us?"

You take a step back, your heart pounding against your chest. The boys keep advancing, their eyes burning with an unquenchable desire.

BTS:"You're ours "

they whisper in unison, their voices low and menacing. but then you run for your car

As you reach your car, you fumble with the keys, your hands shaking uncontrollably. The boys are closing in on you now, their hot breaths tickling the back of your neck. You manage to unlock the door and jump inside, slamming it shut behind you.

As you frantically search for your keys, the boys pound on the windows and doors, their voices raised in anger. You finally find them and manage to start the car just as they reach it.

You put the car in reverse, your hands shaking as you try to back away. The boys are still at your door, their faces mere inches from yours.

BTS:"You can't escape us!!!!!!!

Yn: I will!!!!!!

You floor the accelerator, tires screeching as you make a desperate escape. The boys watch as you drive away, their eyes smoldering with unfulfilled desire. You can feel their gaze on your back until you're out of sight.

As you drive away from the terrifying encounter, your heart rate slows down, but the adrenaline rush keeps you on edge. You pull out your phone and dial your father's number, breathing heavily as you recount what happened.

Yn:hello dad??

You're still shaking, your voice trembling slightly as you tell your father about the boys and the castle. He listens intently, reassuring you that he'll handle it and make sure you're safe.

Yn;ok dad but I'm still scare they might come back

Your father sighs heavily on the other end of the line.

Yn dad:"I understand, sweetheart. Just stay where you are and lock the doors. I'll be there as soon as possible."
His voice carries an air of authority and protection, trying to calm your nerves.

Yn:okay dad I'm waiting

The line goes silent as your father assures you once more of his imminent arrival. You take a few deep breaths, trying to calm down from the ordeal.

Yn:let me rest a while......wait what's that a shadow???

You sit up in the car, your heart pounding against your chest. You squint through the rearview mirror, trying to make out what's causing the shadow. Your breath catches in your throat as you see the silhouette of one of the boys approaching your car.

The boy reaches the car and taps on the window, his face obscured by darkness. You're frozen in fear, unsure of what to do.

Yn:shit !!!get away!!!!

You reach over to unlock the passenger door, opening it and climbing out of the car. Before you can close the door, the boy grabs your ankle, pulling you out of the car and dragging you down the street.

Yn:leave me ahhh

The boy doesn't stop there, he keeps pulling you along the street, further from where you were parked. His grip is strong, leaving little room for resistance. You try to kick back but his hold only seems to tighten.
Suddenly, the boy stops and turns you around, pinning your arms above your head. His breathing is heavy as he leans in close to your ear.

Suga:"I'm not leaving without a taste," he whispers seductively before capturing your lips in a fiery kiss. “u lied to us don't you so that you can escape”

Yn:yes I lied so what!!!!!
The boy pulls away from the kiss, his eyes filled with lust and anger.

Suga: "You'll pay for that lie," he growls before capturing your lips again, his tongue demanding entry into your mouth.

Yn:leave me


the boy hisses between kisses. He continues to force his tongue into your mouth, hungrily devouring you. His hands roam down your body, grasping at your curves. You struggle against his hold, but it seems futile as he takes what he wants. just then other boys came and start to dragged you back to castle

Yn:where are you taking me

Tae:"You're coming with us," says harshly.

They drag you back towards the castle, your heart racing in fear and anticipation. You can feel their eyes on you as they pull you along through the darkened streets, back towards their lair.

The boys don't seem to hear your pleas as they continue to drag you towards the castle. The air is thick with lust and desire, making it hard to breathe as they pull you closer and closer to their den of sin.

Yn:no no I don't wana go inside

As they reach the entrance of the castle, the boys exchange smirks amongst themselves.

Jimin:"Too late," chuckles darkly before pushing you inside.

The door slams shut behind you, leaving you in complete darkness for a moment.

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