Chapter 2

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After tossing and turning for what felt like hours, I had finally gotten to sleep at the break of dawn. Drifting away, I let fear take the wheel. I felt fire and saw red, yet everything was still. The sound of crackling wood filled my ears as the heat overcame my body. My room was still intact, but I sat surrounded by flames threatening to engulf the room, turning me to ashes with the wood that lined the walls.
     Awaking in a cold sweat my body shot up, the room was cold on my skin as I uncovered myself and sat up on the side of the bed. The room felt so distant but, the sun peaked in through the curtains that lined the windows.
   I headed downstairs to grab some breakfast and prepare an excuse. As I rounded the corner of the stairs I made eye contact with Kevin.
  "Good morning!" He smiled. He was oddly chipper.
  "Morning." I headed in and grabbed a yogurt and from the fridge,  and sat down across from him.
  "I realized something last night Kat! I don't need her, she was just dragging me down. I can finally focus on my future career."
  "Took you long enough." I rolled my eyes. "After  years of this, I thought you'd have gotten the memo."
  "Don't be so callous, I didn't mean for it to go this far in the first place." He continued to type, no doubt distracting himself.
  "Hey, so, you know Callie?"
  "Of course I know Callie." He looked up from his laptop for a moment to give me a sideways look.
  "Well, she wants to go on a road trip before she starts college next month, and I figured since I also start college next month, now would be a great time to go."
  "Just you and Callie?"
  "Well yeah, we planned on taking the jeep and visiting a few towns in the state." I wasn't completely lying.
  "Okay, well, if you think you'll be safe, I say have fun! Life is too short to not have fun."
  "Thanks, Kev." I smiled and stood up.
     I finished up my yogurt and tossed it in the bin. This was going to happen. I felt butterflies fill my stomach as I looked over.
  "I guess I'm going to go pack now and meet her at her house." 
  "Be safe Kat and know I love you." He stood up and hugged me, taking me by surprise. I hugged him for a moment and then took a step back.
  "I love you too Kev. I'll be safe, promise." I outstretched my pinky and he did the same, signifying a mark of solidarity. You can't break a pinky promise.

    I headed back to my room. As soon as I got there I grabbed the map on the wall and folded it neatly, placing it back in the box. I grabbed my suitcase and began to load it. I packed the essentials and with the suitcase and box in tow, I was ready to go. I hauled it all to my car, placing the box securely in the passenger seat. Kevin leisurely strolled out on the front door and to me.
  "You're leaving now?" He questioned.
  "Yeah, I was planning on heading out soon." He took me by surprise, pulling me into a hug.
"Please be safe, I have an overwhelming feeling that something bad may happen." After a few minutes he released me and I stepped back.
   "I promise. We pinky promised a few minutes ago, remember?!" I chuckled at him and headed over to the driver's side.
   "Kat, this is serious."
   "I know, I know." I assured him, sliding into my car and beginning to adjust my mirrors. "I'll be safe." I looked up at him and smiled. He nodded and shut the door for me.

   With that, I turned on my car and reversed out of the driveway, starting my journey. I turned the radio on, some light Bacc would do me some good. I directed my Map's app to Stollberry and released the tension in my shoulders as I drove. I let the piano carry me down the highways. Many small towns passed before I heard the familiar beeping of the low gas warning signal. I sighed and began looking at exit signs around me.
    After about 10 agonizing minutes of constant beeping and driving down roads that led to field after field, I found myself pulling into a gas station. The rundown pumps sat in a nearly empty lot. I noticed two cars were parked in front of the barred-up doors as I pulled in beside a pump. I headed inside of the nearly dilapidated building. A tall, greasy man stood behind the counter, I made eye contact and nodded downwards as a sort-of greeting'. He nodded back and looked back down at his scratch-off ticket. I grabbed two bottles of water and walked to the counter.
  "30 on pump one" He didn't make eye contact, just started punching in numbers on his register.
  "35 dollars, ma'am." He held out his hand, I looked down at the card pad beneath his hand and scanned my card. I grabbed my waters and headed towards the door.
  "Be safe out there" Catching me off guard, I looked back. The man still had his face down, looking at the counter, focusing on the the slowly growing pile of scratch-off tickets.
    A chill went down my spine as I pumped my gas, what did he mean? Was he referring to this town? With the doors and windows barred up the way they are, I can only imagine. I stepped back into my car, heading back towards the road that I had just left. Things looked different, the trees were paler now than before. Almost like the wind had sucked the life out of them. I shook my head and turned the radio back on, letting the music carry me down the road once again. The buildings in this town looked worn down and old. The paint chipping off trailers that lined the roads, dirty driveways leading to more the deeper you go.
   I stayed forward, Not daring to venture down any road that was not directly on my path to Stollberry. The trees became vibrant as I hit the highway, the bright greens and yellows calmed me down as I headed out of that town. Only an hour before I hit my destination.

West of Dimension - A Journey, a Game, a Lesson Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ