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Helloooooo everyone!

First of all, thank you so much for choosing to read this story, i really do appreciate it. But for now, here's a bit of backstory for it:

I'm going to try my very best to keep this story in line with the whole tvd series, but no promises. Im trying to add in a few extra bits to kind of show my character, and then i will return to the original plot (hopefully). I have a feeling it's going to get more freelanced as I reach near the middle of the story, so be prepared for that.

This story does have a character that I made up (no Y/N this time but that doesn't stop you from imagining it's you ;)) so if that doesn't suit you then please feel free to leave.

This story will be a Klaus love story. So, for all of my Klaus (or Nik) lovers, this story is for youuuuu

Emmaline Salvatore is the youngest sister of Damon and Stefan, as written in the description, but she's been under a magical coma for most of her supernatural life (she's a vampire) That's until she's strangely awoken one day without knowing why and breaks out of the coffin.

Also, in the series, Stefan was 17 when he turned so obviously if Emmaline was the youngest that would make her VERY young. So we are going to increase the ages just a tad. So Stefan would be 19-20, and Emmaline would be 17-18, but that's up to you guys.

I reallyyyy hope u guys enjoy this story, I will also be adding my little author notes (AN) just to add my little input every now and then, so be ready for that. HAPPY READINGGGGG <3

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