Chapter 5

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AN: I wasn't going to post today, but I'm going to force myself to get this done in half an hour cos my book is on my lap waiting to be read.
But enjoyyyyyy xxxx


Emmaline slowly began to stir awake, trying to recollect her memories of the day prior.

She was reminiscing the good old days in the forest. Remembering the days when it was just her, Damon and Stefan; she missed those days. But something wasn't right. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep in the middle of the forest, but she felt far too comfortable. She wasn't on the ground anymore.

She was on a bed? A rather comfy one too. She wasn't complaining, but she did have every right to be confused.

She slowly lifted her head to observe her surroundings; it was gorgeous. There she laid, on what looked to be on a king-sized bed with the silkiest of silks covering her body. Around her were paintings, stunning paintings. Whoever painted them had a clear story behind each of them. It was so...mesmerising, she almost forgot she was basically kidnapped.

The room was enchanting. It was huge. A gorgeous ruby red carpet with a vase of flowers placed on every drawer, and there were lots of them. Emmaline could guess that there was nothing in every single one. She turned to the side and opened the drawer next to the bed and saw something she never thought she would see. A huge bag full of blood. She felt her throat itch again as she snatched the bag out of the drawer and pulled the top of it off. Her mouth immediately felt contact with the bag and she quickly slurped it all down. She instantly sighed in relief.

She paused.

How did they know?

Emmaline dropped the bag and begun to think, her mind racing with many possibilities. How long had she even been here? She tried to locate something, anything that would give away the date and time, but nothing.

She then began to reach for the door before anyone would come to find her. But when she reached for the door, her hand jolted back in pain, and when she checked, her hand looked red and burnt. What was this? In a panic, she began to analyse the handle, noticing a strange flower chained to it. She then slowly reached for it, only to receive the same outcome. She shrieked in pain. This wasn't working.

She gave up. Slowly turning around, trying to find another way to escape, Emmaline noticed another room. She walked over to it, hesitantly reaching for the handle, but this one was flower-free, so she opened it. Inside was the most luxurious bathroom she had ever witnessed. The bathtub was humongous, with the most gorgeous-looking soap bars, she couldn't stop looking around. Everything was sparkling clean. Laying on a hook were a few towels.

She was stuck here, so she might as well use everything to her advantage.


It had been well over an hour since Emmaline had gotten in the bath, and she was very relaxed. She used every soap she could find, every lotion, you name it. Anything in her sight was used.

With a towel wrapped around her body, she began searching for some type of clothing. She had opened a huge drawer, expecting it to be empty, only to find a closet full of girl's clothing. She was amazed. Its was an avalanche of clothes. But they looked...odd.

Why did the people of these days dress like they want to freeze to death? But then again, anything was better than corsets.  Emmaline remembered the feeling of being tightened until you couldn't breathe. In these clothes, she felt free. But it was still very strange for her.

She found a tank top and jeans and decided to wear them with a leather jacket on top. She liked it. It was very appealing to look at, but not too showy at the same time. It was the perfect balance.

Suddenly, Emmaline heard the other door open, she sped to the door as fast as she could and got there a lot quicker than she expected. It was scary.

She came face to face with a very tall man. He looked bored. It was strange. But Emmaline didn't care, she just wanted some answers.

"Good, you're ready. Your presence has been requested." The man stated, clearly uninterested and just wanted to leave.

"Excuse me? I'd like to know who you are and what you want with me this instant." Emmaline was fed up, growing tired of all these complex conversations she was having. First, with Matt and his very unhelpful directions. And now this man, who clearly would rather be anywhere else.

"Listen lady, I'm not bothered. I've just been told to come and fetch you and take you to him." Him? Who was him?

"Who are you taking me to? I demand to know. I will scream." The man just sighed as he slowly approached her. He grabbed onto Emmaline who tried to resist, but she couldn't. He was so strong, far too strong. In the end, she ended up obliging, curious to see who this person was that found her.

The two walked through the hallways that seemed to go on forever, but finally, he slowed his pace, indicating that they were near. They finally turned into what looked like a dining room. Like the rest of the house; it was grand. Emmaline was amazed yet again. She was taking in her surroundings, unaware that the man behind her had disappeared and another was watching her. She was startled when she heard someone clear their throat. She turned to face them, but their face was couldn't be seen because of the lighting.

"Who are you?" Emmaline called out. But was met with a husky chuckle. He sounded British. She slowly began to approach him, but still feeling weary, as this is the man that kidnapped her from the forest.

"Who are you and what do you want with me?" She said. Again was met with no answer. She began getting frustrated, what was it with everyone giving little to no answers?

Slowly, he began to emerge from the shadows, and Emmaline's face morphed into one of horror.

"Hello love." He spoke.

Oh no.




So erm. That half an hour turned into hours later. My mind went blank for a while but we got there eventually. I wanted to write it in more detail but again, my mind just wasn't working. It's Saturday and I'm tired give me a breakkkkkkkkkkk
But anyways hope u guys enjoyeddd
Also excuse any spelling mistakes I am too tired to proof read anything.
Vote and comment xxxxxx

The Silent Salvatore ~ A Klaus Mikealson Love Story.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon