Seeking A Friend

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The words that Derek said kept running through my head. "You keep refusing me because you're already an Alpha. Of your own pack." Stiles drove Scott, Sam, Eli and I to the place that Derek told us. He decided to chase down the Kanima. Stiles saw a spike strip and stopped. "What do we do now?" He asked, but by that time, we were on the other side of the fence in front of us. Before we got to where Derek was, we heard gunshots. "We gotta hurry." I said. When we got there, We saw Allison's grandpa and her dad, but her grandpa was doing something strange; he was looking the Kanima dead in the eye. Scott tackled the Kanima. We looked at her grandpa and we ran. 

We chased it until we got to a building. 'Jungle' was the name of it; a nightclub. 

"Did you see where he went?" Stiles asked as he startled us. "We lost him." Sam said. "What? You can't catch his scent?" Stiles asked. "I don't think he has one." Scott said. "Any clue on where he's going?" Stiles asked. He was full of questions tonight. "To kill someone." Scott said. "Ah! That explains the fangs and claws and everything. Good observation Scott. Makes perfect sense now." Stiles said. Scott rolled his eyes. "Come on Scott, I'm 147 pounds of pale skin and fragile bones. Sarcasm is my only defense." Stiles said. "Just help us find it." Scott said. "Not it; Jackson." Stiles said. "I know." Scott sighed. "But does he know that?" Stiles asked. "Did anyone else see him back at your house?" Stiles asked. "I don't know but he already passed Derek's test anyway." Scott said. "That's just the thing; how did he pass the test?" Stiles asked. "Because a snake can't be poisoned by it's own venom." I said. "Think about it; when is the Kanima not the Kanima?" Stiles asked. "When it's Jackson." Scott said. Stiles started walking backwards and he looked up. "Hey guys?" He said. We looked up to see the Kanima's tail; and it was entering the nightclub. "What's he going to do in there?" Stiles asked. "I know who he's after." Scott said. "How? Did you smell something?" Stiles asked. I sniffed the air and inhaled a scent so familiar, a scent I'd grown to love. "Armani." I said. The Kanima was going after Danny. 

Stiles tried opening the back door but it was locked. "Maybe there's a window or something we can climb into." He began, but Scott had already broken off the door handle. "Or a handle that we can rip off with supernatural strength." He finished. "I didn't think of that one." He said. We all went into the backdoor. 

The music was playing loud and there were lights flashing everywhere. The dancefloor was a sea of people. But I noticed something. "Dude, everyone in here is a dude." Scott said. "I think we're in a gay club." He said. We looked at Stiles to see him surrounded by 3 dragqueens. "Man nothing gets past those werewolf senses do they?" Stiles said sarcastically. I tried my hardest not to laugh. I looked in the same direction as Scott and there was Danny. At the bar? "You're better off without him." I heard the bartender say. Were they talking about me? "Still doesn't feel good." He said. "You know what will feel good?" The bartender said. "That guy." He pointed to one of the shirtless dancers. Danny left the bar and started walking towards the dancer. Sam, Scott, Eli, Stiles and I went to the bar. "Five beers." Stiles said. I slapped him. Really hard. "ID's?" The bartender asked. We gave him our ID's. He looked at us and smiled. "How about cokes?" He asked. "Rum and coke?  Sure!" Stiles said, gaining yet another slap from me. "Coke's fine. I'm driving anyway." Stiles said. the bartender walked away and a blonde haired guy came to us. "These are on him." He said as he gave us the drinks. We looked behind him to see a guy smiling at us. "Oh shut up." Stiles said to Scott. "But I didn't say anything." Scott said. "Yeah well your face did." Stiles answered. "But his face is my face." Sam said. Eli and I walked away from them laughing. We started dancing together. Eli pulled me closer to him so our bodies were touching. "Eli what are you doing?" I asked him. "I've always wanted to be closer to you. I just want you to be mine Riley." He whispered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me even closer to him. "I found Danny." I heard Stiles say. "And I found Jackson." Scott said. I turned around and followed his eyes. On the ceiling, was my reptilian enemy; The Kanima. 

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