"Please do then," He replied, "I'll try to answer as best as I can." He looked away, focusing on his dish.

"Okay," I nodded, then thought about it. Where do I even start? Because to be honest this whole werewolf thing still seems so ridiculous! But I saw it with my own two eyes, and I saw the whole supernatural battle as well.

"Bezof?" I straightened on my stool, "Are you a wolf too?"

"Yes," He nodded, "I am," His reply confirmed that he knew what happened yesterday.

"I see," I nodded back, "You called Azef Beta," I asked softly, "Do you guys use wolf terms? That's a wolf term, right?"

"Yes," He flipped the eggs on the pan, "Alpha, is the leader of the pack. Azef's brother, Matthew is the Alpha. Azef is the Beta, the second in command, or you can say the right-hand man."

He got the eggs on the plate.

"Oh~" I nodded, "And what's a rogue?"

"Werewolves live in packs, any werewolf not part of the pack recognized by the royal family is a rogue."

"Woah, there's a royal family?"

"Yes," He replied.

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I want to ask about it, but I'll ask about it later! I should ask about the things related to what I heard yesterday!

"So, what's so bad about being a rogue?"

"Rogues don't get any protection. Not from the werewolf community and neither from the human authorities."

"Oh..." I frowned, "Like human right?" There must be a thing called werewolf rights.

"Yes," He put the plate in front of me, "So if a rogue wolf dies or gets killed, or murdered, no one would care."

"I see.." That's actually sad.

"Please, eat," He said, "I'll answer more questions after you've eaten."

"One last thing!" I stared at him as my heartbeat rose, "I really want the answer to this."


"What's a mate?" I asked. This word was used by them quite seriously, so I just have to know. I do have a general idea of what it could be, but I still want to get a solid answer.

Bezof seemed alarmed, "Ummm," He hesitated before answering, "It's like a special person for a wolf. Like a destined partner."

"Oh?" My eyes went wide. I thought it would be something like a lover. But a destined partner? That sounds really romantic...

"Um, does Az-" I was going to ask if Azef had a mate, but wouldn't that be too obvious of me? "Does every werewolf have a mate?"

"Usually, but they say rogues, or wolves that willingly became rogues or who were punished and live as rogues don't get one. I don't know how much truth there is to that."

I pursed my lips softly, "Would you know," I asked shyly, "If your friend or someone you know has a mate?"

"I wouldn't be able to know unless they tell me." He answered, "Only a wolf themself know about who their mate is,"

"Oh," I nodded. So I guess there's no point in asking him about Azef's mate, "So-"

"Miss Sera," Bezof stopped me, "Please eat first."

"Oh, right," I picked up the fork and began to eat. I'll just ask him after I'm done



"You expect me to let it go when you put my son in the hospital?" The middle-aged slim man sat across from me on a single seater couch, the same type I sat on, in a dimly lit room.

"You should be glad I didn't kill him." I was leaning against the back of the couch.

"Kill him?" He scoffed, "You're saying as if I should be grateful for that," He was spiteful.

"Look Mister Lily, even rogues have codes that shouldn't be broken." I looked him straight in the eyes, "He tried to forcefully take what belongs to me."

His secretary came and presented him with a box of cigars. He took one out and cut the edge with specially designed scissors, "I heard the woman owes us money." He put the tobacco in his mouth while his secretary lit the stick with a lighter.

I snapped my fingers, "Raye," I called a wolf of mine over, "The money,"

"Right here," Raye stepped forward with a suitcase, he put it on the table and opened the locks. Directing it towards the other party, he opened the case.

"That's all the money she owns you." I answered, "So now, she owes you nothing."

"You-" He was suspicious of me

"Hmm?" I feigned ignorance, "Before you say anything, I told Lilac, he would get all the money back. He still chose to fight me."


"Answer me something Mister Lily," I didn't want to remain in this place any more than necessary. So I got straight to the point


"Do you have any plans of catching Allen? The girl's father?"

He smirked, "Why would I do that?"

"Right," I closed my eyes and nodded, "There's no need for you to do that." After all, he has a constant supply of money being sent back to him because he has kids returning the money while the guardians are constantly borrowing. It's an endless cycle that ends up destroying the children of the bastards who keep taking money from these people.

"I don't care about anyone else," I unfolded my leg and leaned forward, "But I don't want any trouble from your side coming my way or in the way of what's mine." My voice was calm, but my tone was not, "I don't like to share what's mine."

"That girl isn't your mate, is she?"

"And why does that matter to you?" I look at him, "It shouldn't matter what she is to me. The point is, she was given to me. So she belongs to me."

He eyed me suspiciously, "So you've claimed the girl?" 

Mafia's collateral (M Book2)Where stories live. Discover now