Chapter Fourty One-

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"My lady", said my ladies in waiting , curtsying low as i stormed in. I went to the table and rested my hands on top, staring at myself in the mirror in front. After some time i tried to walk to my bed to sleep but felt a excruciating pain rush down my lower spine. I stopped and held my belly, trying to steady myself before walking again. I felt the same rush but worse, like a dagger had just been run down my back. Something was not right.
I held my belly and continued to make my way to the bed before i screamed. "My lady!", the ladies came rushing in and gasped. I screamed once more and held my gown between my legs, feeling a rush of liquid pool under it. I cried out again as i continued to feel the pain. The ladies held my arms and directed me to my bed before sitting me down and running to get help. I lifted my fingers slowly from under my gown to my face and my eyes widened - they were covered in blood. I cried out in pain feeling another rush. The ladies stared in shock and covered their mouthes with their hands in horror. "My boy!", i cried painfully before feeling another rush down my stomach. The ladies stripped the sheets and helped me change into a fresh nightgown. They cared for me and made sure i was ok as i lay in bed processing the whole thing.
I heard the click of the door lock and the sound of footsteps barging into my room. I sat up and stared as Legolas marched into the room accompanied by two guards. The ladies curtsied as He stared in horror seeing the white cloths covered in blood. "You have lost my boy", Legolas said almost in a whisper. "I will speak with you when you are up", he said with a sigh, holding back his sadness. "It is not all my fault", i managed to say through sniffs. Legolas turned back around and stared in realisation, "I was distress to see you love another!", i cried hitting the bedsheets in front of me. Legolas's face turned angry for a moment. "It broke my heart to see you love another", i said quietly, full of pain. Legolas walked out of the room, my ladies curtsied down low as he walked past. "No", i cried, sobbing into my sheets. "My lady, can we help you at all?", one of the young elves asked. "Please just leave me be", i said quietly, still curled up on the bed. They bowed their heads and left the room, leaving me there to cry until i fell asleep.


The next morning i woke up late and changed into a simple blue gown and had my hair braided into little sections sitting over the rest of my hair.
I walked to the dining hall to eat, even though i did not feel like eating at all. "Good morning, Alena", Thranduil said from across the table as i took my seat. "Legolas has eaten and has left already", he said quietly looking down. I nodded and stared at the food on my plate in front of me. I hesitantly picked up my fork and began to play with the sausage, "You must eat", Thranduil said whilst picking up his glass. I placed a mouthful into my mouth and began to chew it slowly. "I am sorry to hear about the tragedy that you had to endure last night", he said suddenly breaking the silence. I looked up and smiled weakly, "It is not your fault, My lord", i said with little emotion. "I wish i could have saved him", i said holding back tears. "There is no one to blame but Legolas's stupidity", Thranduil spat angrily. I wiped my tears once more, "My lord", i said after a pause. "Yes?", he replied whilst wiping his mouth with a silk napkin. "Why are you so kind to me?", i questioned honestly. He paused for thought, thinking in the right way to phrase this without sounding strange. "In many ways, you remind me of my wife", he said with a small smile. I thought back to when we first met officially, how he touched my skin delicately and stared at me from his throne with deja vu glistening in his eyes. "You look almost exactly like her. She was blessed with such beauty, as are you", he said with a sparkle in his eyes. "What was she like?", i asked curiously leaning in. He chuckled before replying, "Exactly like you do", he said slowly. "She was the purest soul i have ever met", he paused, his face saddened. "I did not deserve her kindness", he said sadly. I moved my hand on top of his, "You only ever want the best for your son, i wish others would see that", i said in attempt to comfort the lost king.
"You must resolve your problem with Legolas. You will be King and Queen of the realm at some point - you must fix this", he said assertively but softly. I nodded, "I was thinking the same thing, but how do i approach him after losing his child?" i said sadly, holding my now empty womb. "The loss is indeed a tragedy to all in the realm however no doubt you will resolve this and have many more children, that i know of", he chuckled. I smiled before bowing my head. "Thank you, My lord", i said greatfully. Thranduil had been like my father whilst staying in the Woodland realm, i really appreciated having him.

A few days had passed of me avoiding Legolas's contact and ignoring him in the realm. We barely saw each other, i always assumed he would be somewhere with Tauriel.

I walked down the corridor and into the gardens, being let through by two guards. I caught eyes of Legolas watching the water fountain and decided it was a good time to approach him, this had gone on for far too long. I walked down the stone pathway and stood beside him. He immediately turned his head to look at me and bowed his head slowly, keeping his eyes gazed at me then to my stomach. "My lady", he said slowly. "Legolas", i started before being cut off. "I am so beyond sorry, Meleth", he said full of sorrow. "You must believe me when i say that it was Tauriel who kissed me, not me", he said honestly. I stared at his eyes, i could tell he was telling the truth and my shoulders dropped slowly, taking a big deep breath. "I forgive you", i said sadly. "However you must realise how much distress seeing you with another brought to me, and how it effected my body causing this-", i paused and swallowed. "Causing the loss of our child", i said quickly looking back at the fountain. He sighed and stared at the fountain once more. "I understand, it was foolish of her", he said sadly. "I suppose you have seen her since", i said bitterly. "No, i have banished her from the realm", he replied coldly. I turned my head quickly back to face him, slightly shocked. "Where does she go?", i replied coldly. "She said she will go to to Lothlorien", he replied wearily. I nodded my head before Legolas held my hands in his. I looked down at them, missing his touch. "Gi melin, Alena", he said softly before holding my face and kissing me deeply. I rested my head on his shoulder and gazed at the fountain again.

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