Chapter Twenty Seven- A Royal Wedding pt2

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People came in in big crowds, all people of great importance.
Thranduil welcomed them all before i noticed a few people who caught my eye.
"Alena!", A voice shouted.
I looked around and saw Arwen and Aragorn walking towards us.
I ran and hugged her and hugged Aragorn after.
"It has been some time since we last met", Aragorn said with a hand over his chest.
I bowed down to them both as they were now of a higher status than me.
"How is everything in Gondor?", i asked as we walked to the hall.
"Perfect", Arwen said in her soft, angelic voice.
"You must come visit soon", Aragorn said before walking off to find Legolas.
"You look beautiful, Alena", Arwen said smiling.
"Thank you, My sister", i said whilst placing my head against her forehead.
"Gimli is on his way", she continued, walking down the halls.
She looked around in awe, admiring the Woodland Realm.
"It is so very different from Rivendell", she said whilst staring at the surroundings.
"How have you managed?", she joked, nudging my arm slightly.
"No waterfalls and pools of water", she said with a smile.
"There are waterfalls, beautiful, big ones that face the moon", i said softly, still walking with her.

"Hello lassie!", a heavy voice said from behind.
I turned around in confusion and saw Gimli.
"Gimli!", i shrieked, running to him and hugging him close.
"You made it!", i said happily.
Legolas walked back over with Aragorn and put his arm over his chest and bowed his head at Gimli.
Gandalf arrived a bit later, he had prepared a gift according to Thranduil.

"My dear Alena", a voice said from behind a dozen guards.
"Ada!", i tan up to him and hugged him tightly.
He chuckled and smiled down at me.
"This is a special day for you, Guren vell", he said softly.
"I hope it goes perfectly", he said with a smile.


Everyone gathered and sat down outside, in the forest where Thranduil had arranged the ceremony.
It was beautiful, it was exactly how i wanted it to be.

It was beautiful, it was exactly how i wanted it to be

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I was at the end of the aisle behind the curtains

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I was at the end of the aisle behind the curtains.
I was panicking and beginning to worry.
"Don't worry my sister, everything will be perfect", Arwen held onto me and stroked my hair.
"This moment is something you will remember for all of eternity, your many years ahead you will always cherish this", she said softly.
"Ada is waiting to walk you, go!", she said laughing.
I walked through the curtains and everyone was stood looking at me.
My father smiled, a tear fell from his eye when he saw me.
"Ada", i whispered.
I held onto his arm and walked down the flower covered aisle, staring straight ahead at Legolas and Thranduil.
Thranduil smiled widely, his planning of everything must have taken him ages.
Legolas's mouth parted slightly, he stared at me in awe.
Lord Elrond then bowed and stood with Thranduil and Galadriel.
I walked forwards and stood in beside Legolas, facing him and holding his hands in my own.
"We are gathered to witness the souls of Alena Undomiel, Princess of Imladris, Daughter of Lord Elrond and Lady Celebrian and Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of the Woodland Realm, Son of King Thranduil", Lady Galadriel started.
Thranduil picked up two silver rings from a red velvet and gold cushion and held them in front of her.
"As you place this ring upon the finger of your chosen love speak the words that shall bind you to each other mind, body and soul in unity of Life bond", Galadriel continued to speak.

"My will is like your will", Legolas said whilst picking up the silver ring from his father and holding my hand, gently pushing the ring onto my finger.
"My will is like your will", i replied softly, pushing his ring onto his finger.

"In the name of Eru, I bless you both. May your souls live together for eternity", Galdriel said, holding a goblet to the sky.
Legolas held my waist and kissed me, slowly and passionately.
I placed my hand round the back of his neck, deepening the kiss.
Everyone cheered and toasted their glasses before sipping.
I pulled away and turned to the King and bowed down to him.
He nodded his head slowly and opened his arm out to me.

We joined the other and drank and ate food.
"I wish you both all the happiness in the world", Aragorn said with a smile.
"Thank you, Mellon nîn", Legolas said, his arm still interlocked under mine.
"Congratulations lad", Gimli smiled.
"Thank you, Master dwarf", Legolas joked.
We all laughed and toasted our wine in the air before sipping it slowly, except for Gimli of course.

"I wish for you both to have happy, healthy lives", King Thranduil said, placing his hand on Legolas's shoulder.
"The necklace suits you", he said with a grin before walked back towards Galadriel and Lord Elrond.
Legolas looked down at my neck, "It cannot be", he said in shock.
"It is true", i said softly.
The gems glistened in the light.
"The white gems of Lasgalen", he said still staring in shock.
"Your mothers", i said softly, holding his hands in front of me.
"I am glad you are wearing them, she would have loved that", He said with a smile.

It was getting late. We had partied and celebrated the marriage for a few hours now but i was beginning to get tired.
"I think we should retire for the night", Legolas said softly.
"Yes, i am getting very tired", i said slowly.
Legolas and i walked to the top of the stairs and faced the crowd.
"Thank you all for coming", he started, the crowd becoming silent.
"We shall retire for tonight but wish you all our blessings", he said with his hand in the air.
Lord Elrond looked at me with fear, I knew what would happend later.

We walked back, hand in hand, to our rooms.
Two guards let us in through the gates.
I stopped by my room which was down the hall from his.
"I will change", i said quietly.
"You may sleep with me now that we are betrothed", he said with a small smile.
I returned a smile before opening my door and stopping in the middle of the room.
I froze with fear, realising what was going to come next.
I heard a knock behind me and turned to open the door, "Let me help you, My dear".
Lady Galadriel came in and walked over to my dresser.
She came back with a beautiful lilac gown.

She unbuttoned my wedding dress and helped me into my night wear

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She unbuttoned my wedding dress and helped me into my night wear.
"You looked beautiful tonight", she said softly, cupping my cheek.
She combed my hair and sang to me.
I remembered the song from being little, it brought back happy memories and made me smile.
I lifted my hands up to above my head, about to remove my diadem before Galadriel's hands stopped me.
"Let him do that for you", she smiled.
I hugged her tightly, "Thank you for everything", i said feeling a tear drop from my eye.


Legolas walked with his father and spoke about the night.
Thranduil entered his private quarters, "Ada", Legolas said, grabbing his hand.
Thranduil looked down at his wrist then back at Legolas, slightly surprised.
"Forgive me, this is personal", Legolas said, slightly pink.
"Legolas, i am retiring for the night, make it quick", Thranduil said coldly.
"I wondered if you had any..", he paused, awkwardly.
"Advice, about you know, the binding of our souls".
Legolas said awkwardly, avoiding his fathers eyes.
Thranduil raised his eyebrows, taken by surprise at his sons question.
"It has been many years since i did so", he started, still stunned by his question.
"You do not need to rush. Take your time, look after her and be gentle", he said slowly, pouring a glass of wine.
"But it is indeed too personal to ask from your Ada", he said with a small smirk.
"Thank you, Father", Legolas said whilst hugging him.
"Go to her", Thranduil said with a chuckle.
Legolas bowed and walked out to go meet Alena in his room.

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