Chapter Two- The Fellowship is Formed pt1

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My heart started to race, it's beating was fast and heavy.

I felt the presence of eyes watching me, i turned slowly to see a youthful- looking elf. He looked tall and handsome. His hair long and blonde, of pure bloodline i'm sure.
His eyes were fixed upon me, i'm sure he could hear my heartbeat quicken, after all he was an elf, we eleves have excellent hearing.
I scanned his body. He was tall, had a strong, muscular looking build and had such soft, golden coloured locks of hair that was perfectly straight, accessorised with 2 perfectly neat braids going down the sides of his head, from just above his ears, down to the ends.
He had a strong, harsh jawline. The sun was hitting his skin so perfectly, he was almost glistening.
I fear i admired him a little too long as he looked down and chuckled to himself.
I felt my cheeks turn warm and red, embarrassed i looked around and pretended to admire the nature around me.

We will need to form a team of brave warriors that will travel to the fires of Mount Doom, travel across Middle Earth. Mordor, Moria, The caves of the Misty Mountains, The treetops of Lothlórien.
It is not, an easy quest.

But it is a gift! said a man, standing up, walking towards the Ring.
Boromir! Cried Lord Elrond.

One Ring to Rule them All, One Ring to find them...One Ring to bring them all...
As Gandalf continued his spell, the sky grew dark and the mood shattered, the once joyous, keen atmosphere had been replaced with this awful curse that made everyone unhappy.

And in the darkness bind them. Gandalf continued his spell.  He put his hand up and released, the sky grew blue once again and the moonlight rose.

Never before has any voice uttered the words of that tounge here in Imladris! Shouted Lord Elrond.
He was furious. It wasn't looking well for me later.

Bormomir continued to try and persuade them on why Gondor should possess the Ring. I could sense an uneasy atmosphere, i sensed envy, jealousy, anger.
The power of the Ring could not stopped.

You cannot wield it. None of us can! Aragorn said standing up and taking a step towards Boromir.
I noticed Arwen holding onto Aragorn's sleeve in attempt to settle him but he escaped her grasp.

The One Ring answers to Sauron alone, It has no other masters. Aragorn said as calm as he could for Arwen seems flustered by his actions.

I felt the tension again, the feeling i had earlier came back. I sensed an argument.
Im guessing the blonde elf could feel it too because he looked up in unison to me at Gandalf and Lord Elrond.

And what would a Ranger know of this matter? Said Boromir coldly. I could see Aragorn gritting his teeth, trying his best not to show his temper.
Arwen looked distressed, she looked at me with watered eyes.
I placed my hand on her thigh and wiped her eyes carefully with my silk sleeve.

"This is no mere ranger!", Said the elf, finally hearing his voice. His voice was soft but assertive. I got to glance at him from sitting. He was tall, even for an elf.

"He is Aragorn, Son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance."

Whilst he was talking, i looked up at his face, he had beautiful deep blue eyes, like two pools you could get lost in.

"And who are you?", Boromir snapped.
"He is Legolas, Prince of the Woodland Realm, Som of the King", A elf guard on his right answered.

Boromir walked towards Aragorn.
"Aragorn? he said. This is Isildur's heir?"
Aragorn clenched his fists, Arwen still desperately trying to calm him.

And heir to the throne of Gondor.

"Thank you Legolas, Mellon nîn", Said Aragorn, bowing his head down slightly looking at him.

Legolas. That was his name.
Wait a minute, Old friend? How did i never know of him. Aragorn is always around yet he has never spoken of such name.

Everyone sat down again. The tension began to soften.

Legolas glanced over at me. I pretended i didn't notice and kept my eyes fixed on my kin but i knew he saw me, my peripheral vidsion happens to be spectacular.

I felt a small curve at the sides of my lips and saw him lookign down at his feet, he too wore a subtle smile, but it was there.

The Ring must be destroyed. I didn't hear any fo what my father had just said, I was too busy thinking about Legolas.

Gimli, the auburn, bearded dwarve picked up his axe.

Well then, what are we waiting for? He said, his typical dwarven accent sounding strong.

My father and Gandalf exchanged looks and got up to stop him.

They were too late. His axe had been broken in two and he came flying and landed on the ground with a crash.
My father got up to observe the ring.
It was still perfectly in tack.

Destroying this ring would be harder than i thought.

Hello again, sorry this is quite short, this chapter will be split into 2 parts due to things i have to do but i still wanted to get something posted.

Hope your enjoying!

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