Chapter Three- Setting off pt1

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After the Fellowship was announced, Everyone split up and headed to their rooms.
Members of the Fellowship would get their own rooms, i overheard my father speaking to a guard.
Yes, thank you, leave it with me, Ailwi. My father said whilst waving his hand away.
It must be serious if he speaks to Ailwi, he is one of the head guards.

Arwen. I needed to find her and explain.
I picked up my gown and quickly walked up the stairs towards the moonlight where i thought she would be.

Ci mael, Brennil nîn?
i turned around quickly only to see Legolas.
Why are you here ? i said trying to sound bothered by his presence however somehow i was not, part of me longed for him to stay maybe even come closer.

I could ask you the same thing, he chuckled.
I blushed feeling embarrassed by the fact he just stood me up.
I'm looking for my sister, i replied finally.
She's with Aragorn. He replied.
I saw them walking to their quarters, i'm sure she will come out soon.
Of course they are, i said quietly.
Why? what troubles you. He came and walked closer to where i was standing with his hands tucked in his pockets of his light green tunic.
I need to explain to her why i am leaving Rivendell, i don't want her to think that i am abandoning her. If Aragorn is coming too, she will only have my father, who is too busy doing kingly business to take care of her.

He sighed. I'm sure she will understand, after all your doing what's right for the world, and when you come back, she and your father will be most proud.
You say this like this is my first battle. I said, amused. Well is it ? maybe your just laughing to hide your nerves. He said and shrugged.
I must go find my sister. It's been a pleasure.
I started to walk away before his hand grabbed my arm.
Might i know your name? you know, because we will be fighting together and such for the next months and more. he said nervously.
I laughed. Alena. Alena Undómiel.
And you? Legolas, Legolas Greenleaf.
Okay Prince Legolas, i said curtsying down before him with a smile.
Okay Princess Alena, he said before bowing with a small grin, clearly mocking me.
We stared at each other for a few moments before i walked away to go find my sister.

I walked up the stairs towards her room and raised my hand to push open the door.

Nîn muinthel, my dear sister.
She was sat on the end of her bed, clutching something in her hands close to her heart.

Leave. Now, before i call guards.

Arwen? on your own sister? what's gotten into you.

I want to be alone now, i suggest you leave before i get you escorted.

What? but i need to explain myself to you on my decision earlier. If i leave, i may not return. The thought of that and saying goodbye on bad terms makes me so upset, nîn muinthel.
I felt my voice shake a bit as it started to crack.

Your not thinking, Alena, you think this is an adventure, it is Not! you can die! she exclaimed. catching her breath.

I hadn't seen her this angry before.

Well i'm trying to help! everything i can to help these hobbits save this world. If you don't congratulate me for that, then that is incredibly unfortunate.

You see! this is the problem! you think go this like a game! you want praise and a medal for everything you do. Well guess what Alena. You cant always have that! And not to mention how Selfish you are being right now. You know full well how much i struggle when Aragorn is gone and with you gone too and father occupied,

I heard her voice soften from anger to sadness, she began to weep as she spoke and i listened.

And with father busy, i am all alone ! at my most vulnerable state.

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