A week and a half

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No one's pov.

There was an ocean. Everywhere you look, it's water. But of course, every ocean has a place with the land. In this situation, it's the ice. On the ice appeared the one and only, Scrat. He was jumping from one place to another, looking for where to place his beloved acorn. Scrat started sniffing the ground. He scratched one place and immediately dug his acorn in. The ice, around the acorn, cracked a little and then the ground started rumbling. Scrat screamed and took out the acorn. He filled the hole he made and patted it, before walking away. Scrat gasped and looked at the other place. He gently put his acorn on the ice, but unfortunately, the mountain splits in half. Scrat started falling deeper and deeper into the ground. Still holding the acorn, tho. As he was falling, he passed a familiar weasel riding a white dinosaur. To stop falling, Scrat put his claws on each side. But they caught on fire and eventually, he was all on fire. Scrat screamed. He was falling deeper and deeper 'til he reached Earth's inner core. He fell onto the core. Scrat looked in front of him and saw his acorn, unharmed. Scrat took a step forward.

The Earth's crust started to crack.

Because of the rumbling above, the acorn started to roll away. Scrat gasped and started running, desperately trying to catch the acorn. The core started rolling as well.

The ground started cracking even more. The crust started to form in the land. The ground cracked through the whole world. And all because of some stupid squirrel.

Suddenly, Scrat tripped and started smacking in different places. Above: rocks, hills, and sculptures formed his screaming face. Before Scrat knew it, he was at the bottom of the inner core. He screamed and rushed back to his acorn. He hugged the acorn, but what he failed to see was his tail getting wrapped around the core. As it started to roll back, he was sent flying back to the surface. Scrat was so high, that he reached the space. As he started falling back to Earth, he saw the water. Scrat got ready to fall in it. Unfortunately, he smacked onto the ice block, floating on the water. From the smack, the ice block split in half. Scrat tried reaching it but couldn't do it. He screamed in agony.

Presenting: Ice Age: Continental Drift

The cracks got, even more, bigger and the rumbling was really loud. It even managed to wake up a familiar brown mammoth.

"Huh? What was that? Ellie, did you hear that?", asked Manny who was still lying on the ground.

"I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, it's miles away.", answered Ellie.

Manny got up. "Peaches, are you all right?", he asked getting up and finding no Peaches, "Where is she? No teenager is ever up early."

"Easy warden, she's not on lockdown."

Manny had a worried look on his face. He walked up to two sleeping possums, Crash and Eddie. Manny slapped them, waking them up.

"You two were supposed to be responsible uncles!", scolded Manny.

"What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe 15 or 20 minutes ago.", spoke Crash.

"Or that she went with Louis to the falls.", added Eddie.

Both of them nervously giggled.

"The falls? Where the delinquents go?", questioned Manny.

"Relax, it's just where the kids hang out.", stated Ellie.

"No, no, it's a gateway hangout. First, it's the falls then she's piercing her trunk, and the next thing you know she's addicted to berries.", rambled Manny.

Ellie chuckled, "Manny! You are overreacting. She's not going to be your little girl forever."

"I know. That's what worries me."

Meanwhile, Peaches was swinging from one tree to another. Heading to the falls. Enjoying her time. She swung herself one more time, before propping herself on the tree.

"Louis! Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun?", asked Peaches.

Louis bumped into a tree root, "Ow!"

Out of the ground came out a cute little mole hog.

"I'm a mole hog. My head's supposed to be underground. And my idea of fun isn't risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth.", explained Louis.

"Ethan isn't cute.", said Ellie and climbed off a tree, "He's hot. Besides, you can't spend your whole life playing it safe."

"I know I would."

"Dad?", questioned Peaches as Manny glared at her, "There's no reason to be mad."

"You know how I feel about you going to the falls. Especially alone.", explained Manny.

Louis cleared his throat, "She's not alone, sir."

"You don't count, Weiner."

"Yes, there's my place and you just put me in it, thank you.", commented Louis.

"Come on, young lady. We're going home where I can keep an eye on you.", demanded Manny.

Peaches gave Louis an apologetic smile.

In the distance, a familiar saber female showed up.

Summer's pov.

"Why are you such a downer?", I asked Manny.

"I'm not! I'm just worried. And why are you up so early? You should be resting.", answered Manny.

"I had the whole night to rest."

"Well, you still should be resting. You can't do much 'cause you're pregnant."

"Only a week.", I stated.

"And a half.", argued Manny.

Yes. I am one week and a half pregnant.

Manny continued walking and I walked next to Peaches.

"You were going to see that Ethan guy?", I whispered to Peaches.

"Yeah. He's hot.", she whispered back.

"I remember when I was madly in love with a handsome saber. Not that Diego isn't.", I said, causing Peaches to giggle, "But when he left me and I realized that he's not the one."

I finished and looked at Peaches. She was looking kinda sad.

"But you never know.", I added, "You're a beautiful mammoth, and if Ethan doesn't notice that, it's his fault."

Peaches smiled at me.

Diego's pov.

The ground was rumbling. I was jumping from one place to another. I then walked up to the cliff. I looked ahead. The trees were shaking and the ground rumbling. I got an idea. I smirked and roared loudly. I'm sure even Summer heard me. The ground stopped rumbling.

"Yeah, you don't scare me, Mother Nature! There's nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle."

The bushes next to me started shaking. I looked at it confusingly. Suddenly, a log rammed into me.

Ice Age: Continental Drift//Diego x OCWhere stories live. Discover now