"I... kinda like when you're pissed off", Tyler said with a soft laugh, and that made Josh blush as he stopped talking. "Sorry, not the right moment", he apologized as he saw Josh slump a little. "No it- it's fine", Josh said. Tyler smiled softly as he leaned closer so he could pull Josh into his arms again. "I just like when you... stand up for me", he said. "Even though they're not actually here right now - thank God they're not - it just... means a lot", Tyler said. "...and it's kinda hot", he said, and Josh rolled his eyes with a blush as he pushed Tyler away by pushing against his chest, and Tyler laughed gently.

"I'm here being dead serious and you're just laughing", Josh said. "Sorry, I'm sorry", Tyler said as he grabbed Josh's hand. "...it's just hard hearing everything you say, so I tend to... try and focus on the positive things about it, like seeing you get angry for me, which is kind of nice", he said. "But hearing and realizing how much they tried to change me and push me and force me to do these things just so they could profit off of it... fucking sucks, y'know", he said with a chuckle. "So that's why."

Josh sighed softly, then he moved closer as he wrapped his arms around Tyler's neck as he hugged him tightly. "I get it, I'm sorry", Josh said softly. "They never deserved you, they were so unworthy of you. You're incredible Ty, and they tried to use that to their advantage by trying to bring you down, instead of lifting you up and wanting to see you succeed on your own and together with them, to see you thrive, be the best version of yourself. It hurts me too to know they only had bad intentions", Josh said.

Tyler hugged Josh tightly as he closed his eyes. He pressed soft kisses against Josh's arm. "Thank you J", Tyler whispered. "Luckily I was able to get rid of them and gain you instead", he said. "Don't leave me 'kay", he softly added. "Never, Ty", Josh whispered. "Not unless you want me to." "I don't want you to", Tyler said. "Never will. Just want you be close to me, always."

They held each other for a while and Josh pressed a soft kiss atop of Tyler's hair. "...so do you want to do it? Wanna play your game for a while?" He asked. "We'd have to go back to the living room for that. Would be too much of a hassle, you're kind of tired, we should just stay", Tyler said.

"No, no, c'mon", Josh gently said as he let go of Tyler and he got up, grabbing Tyler's hands in the meantime, guiding Tyler on to his feet as well. "I'll go with you, I'm not tired enough to fall asleep", he said. "J..." Tyler trailed. "I'm sure, you don't have to ask if I am", Josh giggled and Tyler smiled softly. "C'mere", he said as he embraced Josh and he pressed a firm kiss on his forehead. He pulled back but his hands moved to rest in Josh's neck. Their eyes locked and Josh held his breath. Then Tyler kissed Josh's lips softly, briefly. It left Josh speechless - everything Tyler did left him speechless.

"Uh- let- let's go then", Josh softly said. Tyler smiled as he nodded. He let go of Josh's neck but grabbed Josh's hand and Josh guided Tyler out the bedroom and back into the living room, once again interrupting Snickers who let out an annoyed sound. They couldn't help but giggle when they heard it.

"What're you gonna play?" Josh asked as they settled on the couch with a drink. "Uhm... I don't know", Tyler said. "Do you wanna do something together?" He asked. "No no, I'll watch. I'm not tired enough to sleep but I'm a bit too tired to really focus on playing myself. And I'm not really good at it anyways, I've never really done it much", he said. Tyler hummed. "Uhm... I- I think I'll play Breath of the Wild", he said. "The Zelda game?" Josh asked. Tyler nodded. "I know Steve's got it too. My own switch isn't here", Tyler said. "I can use my account on Steve's switch and start a new game", he said.

"Did you finish that game already?" Josh asked. "A few times", Tyler said as he loaded the game. "But I can play it a million times and still love it."

"Didn't they make a sequel or something? I heard something like that", Josh said. "Yeah, Tears of the Kingdom. But I don't have that one, not yet, because... well, you know why", Tyler said. "I just told you." Josh hummed as Tyler said so. He knew why; because of Tyler's exes discouraging him from playing any games. And it came out while Tyler was with one of them.

Let's Recelebrate - Book 2 (a Joshler story)Where stories live. Discover now