Chapter 4 - The Accused

Start from the beginning

"What" The girl said

"I don't give a single f*ck on what the news said" As Yin raised his middle finger

"And Mei's my best friend and always will be" Yin said

"Since your siding with her I guess both if you are gonna get beat up" the girl said as about four upper classman showed up

"Heh even if there are more of you that still isn't enough to beat me" Yin smirk

"You think that you could beat all of us? Your bluffing" The girl that I just punched in the nose said pretty confidently

As Yin was about to say something Mei grabbed his shoulder

"Y-.yin please let's just go please" Mei insisted for Yin to stop. Yin just stared at her for a few moments...

Yin sigh. As he looked at Mei and felt his anger vanished

"I understand" He said to assure Mei the he wasn't gonna fight them

"Thank you Yin" Mei smiled weakly

Mei grabbed Yin's wrist intending to leave

"And who said that both of you are leaving?" The girl said. Yin really wants to punch her in the face again

"W-were both leaving b-..because we don't want trouble, I'll even stop going to school so just please let us leave" Mei said. Yin is a bit sadden even if Mei got bullied she's still kind (Author:"Yeah but this school isn't gonna be here for long")

"Mei" Yin said. He knew very well that this people won't stop

"Oh really?" The girl said

"Y-yes" Mei stuttered

"How about no?" The girl said.

As the four upperclassman started to approach Both Mei and Yin

"I-" Mei was about to say something

"Mei-san it's pointless they won't listen to you" Yin was trying to convince Mei that talking isn't gonna solve this problem

"But you're gonna get hurt, and it will be all my fault i-i don't want that I don't want you to get hurt" Mei said as she had tears on her eyes

"Don't worry Mei I'll be fine and besides I don't want you my Best friend getting hurt" He assures Mei that he will be okay

"B..-but there's too many of them and-" Mei felt useless as she couldn't do anything right now

"So Mei trust me" Yin smiles. As He looked back at the four upperclassman

"So you're going the fight all four of them? Hah you're outnumbered, so just give up on a fight your losing" The girl said

"Nah I'd win" As Yin dashed his way towards one of the upperclassman and sends a powerful punch at stomach

"Ughkk" The upperclassman groaned in pain as we was sent back a few meters, As he was now unconscious

As Yin immediately looked back at the three upperclassman, as they had a shocked expression in their face

"F*ck this shit I'm out" One of the upperclassman said

"W-what do you mean? I even paid you for this" The girl said and was now getting nervous

"Here take your money back Rikka I don't need it" The upperclassman(1) gave what seems to be Rikka's money

"Y-yeah here take it back I'd rather not have broken bones" The other upperclassman(2) said

"I didn't sign up for this shit"  Upperclassman(3) said

"But there's three of you" The girl Apparently her Name is Rikka the one that got punched in the face

"You clearly don't get it huh?" Upperclassman (1) said

"W-what do you mean by that?" Rikka said as she was not extremely nervous

"He's the F*CKING protagonist shit head!"  Upperclassman(1) shouted

"Did you even see what he did to Yuto? He fucking punched him without any effort and knocked him unconscious?" Upperclassman(3) added

"I-" Rikka was now starting

"Let's just leave her alone now guys this isn't even our problem to begin with" Upperclassman(2) said as he carried the unconscious Yuto with him as they started to leave

"Yeah I don't even believe the news about Ryoma he probably just got accused, I'm just doing this for money but I ain't doing this if it means I'm getting beaten up" Upperclassman (1) said before leaving

"The protagonist? Well aside from that they seem to have common sense" Yin thought as he stared at what seems to be allies now arguing dumbfounded

"........" Rikka was now quite. As Yin started to approached her she took notice it and

"I-im sorry please don't hurt me" Rikka was now apologizing. She now realized that she fucked up

"You think that I would just forgive you after what it you did to Mei?" Yin was now ready to punch her in the face

"STOP!" Mei shouted

"Mei?" Yin was surprised for Mei suddenly stoping him from Punching the girl that bullied her

"Please don't punch her l-let's just leave now" Mei insisted

"Alright I won't punch her" Yin agreed not to punch Rikka. He knew that Mei was kind but still

As they were both about to leave

"Wait!" Rikka stopped us.

"Alright I'm punching her" Yin thought. But he can't because Mei was holding his wrist

"Raiden Mei i apologize for what I did I know it's unforgivable but my father ordered me to do it," Rikka seemed to be telling the truth

"......." Mei didn't say anything

"Mei she's clearly lyin-" Yin was interrupted

"I know" Mei said as she was now leaving with Yin

"......." Rikka just stared at where they were before

End of chapter

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