Chapter 4 - The Accused

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"Yin-senpai I'm hungry" Kiana was laying at the sofa while watching TV

"Alright" Yin just sighed. It's already been two days and Kiana already got accustomed living here with us. He still doesn't know that truth about why Kiana is actually here and who her parents were but Kiana told Yin her father's name was Siegfried Kasla during one of their conversation
Yin brought the food to Kiana since she was lazy. Heck she even force Yin to spoon-fed her because she was tired from doing nothing

"Here you go" Yin placed Kiana's food at the table

"Thank you Yin-senpai you really love me do you" As she already started eating her food

"Uhuh" Yin sarcastically responded

"Anyways Kiana you're gonna start going to Senba Highschool in two days right?" Yin asked the hungry Tuna

"MmmmgY-eshm I am" Kiana said

"Swallow it first before you talk,  you're gonna choke if you talk while eating  know that right? Yin asked

"Ehe I know Yin-senpai and besides I know you're gonna save me if I did end up chocking" Kiana smugly said

"........" Yin just looked at her
As they were both done eating and Kiana went back on watching television Yin joined her after He washed the dishes

"Not this not this not this too ugh why can't I find a decent channel" Kiana complained as she change the channel every one second until

"Wait Kiana go back" Yin said

"What do you mean?" Kiana asked

"Just go back like a few channels back" Yin said as Kiana responded with a "okay". He was sure that he just saw something that caught his attention and he was right
"Raiden Ryoma was arrested on charges of economic fraud" The news reporter said

".........." Yin didn't say anything. He didn't believe what the news said He already met Raiden Ryoma and He wasn't a bad person

"Yin is there something wrong?" Kiana worriedly asked. She seems to noticed Yin's worried expression

"A-ah is nothing Kiana" Yin said

"Okay" Kiana said

"Mei" Yin thought. He was now worried about Mei

Yin wasn't able to sleep last night since he was worried about how Mei is doing since her father got arrested. So he went early to Senba Highschool since he knows that Mei always arrives early
But he was met with a very unforgivable sight

Mei was wet and her hair was being pulled by a girl Yin didn't know

"You a daughter of a criminal is still going to school? Why shouldn't you just kill yourself already" The girl said

Yin's blood started to boil and without I second thought He run towards the girl that was grabbing Mei's hair

"SHUT UP" I said as I punched her straight at the face

"Y-you h-how could you hit a girl" The girl said as she placed her hand on her possibly broken nose

"Because I can and I wouldn't hesitate to hit you again harder" I said as I raised my fist

"Why are you even siding with her didn't you see the news that her father got arrested?" The girl said

"I did but guess what" Yin said

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