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2 Years Later,

Suhani stood at the dais crafted for the inaugration of The SuYukti Foundation - a foundation dedicated to the sexual abuse survivors. Her chest fluttered with anticipation and her knuckles grew white around the mic she had held in her blanched fingers.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and most importantly, the survivors of sexual abuse," she began, her voice quivering with emotion, "I stand before you today not just as the CEO of Star Pharmaceuticals or the daughter of the Malhotra family, but as a survivor. A survivor who was once haunted by the past, shielded by the walls of fear and mistrust. But today, I stand tall, fearless, and with the unwavering support of my family, and friends."

She paused, her gaze sweeping across the room, taking in the faces of those who had come to support her cause. "The road to healing has not been easy, but it has been made lighter by the strength of those who love me and the hope that they have given me. And that's why today, we inaugurate The SuYukti Foundation, a place where survivors can find solace, help, and a community that understands their pain."

Suhani drew in a deep breath. "Years ago, there was a time I couldn't imagine sharing the horrific incidents even with my father. And it was not too long ago that the thought of the world learning about my past made me quiver."

A nervous chuckle spilled from her lips and she scratched the corner of her eye with her free hand. From the peripheral vision, she could see the concerned faces of Mohit and Ranveer.

"I... I tried to hide it, bury it, pretend it never happened. But that was unsustainable. It took a lot of courage, a lot of time, and a lot of help to finally face it, to finally heal. And if there was one moment where I felt everything change was when my therapist asked me if I'd judge if someone else had endured what I had gone through."

Suhani's voice trembled as she continued, her eyes scanning the room again. "The question was a game-changer for me. I realized I wouldn't and if I could offer that consideration and compassion for someone else, why did I hold back on showing the same to myself?"

Suhani's words hung in the air, and for a moment, the room was silent as everyone processed the significance of her story. Mohit's gaze was fixed on his daughter, his heart swelling with pride at the strength she had found.

Ranveer, sitting beside Yukti, squeezed her hand in solidarity. He had always admired her resilience and bravery, but this moment only made his admiration grow. He knew that Suhani's journey had been a long and difficult one, but her decision to start the foundation was a testament to her determination.

"It was when I started processing my trauma that I understood how it seeped into almost every aspect of me - my thoughts, my wants, my behaviours, and my reactions. And it was then that I also realized how much of the damage could've been averted if I had sought help earlier."

She paused for a moment, allowing the weight of her words to sink in. "It was then that I realized that we cannot heal in isolation. We need a community to support us, to walk with us on this journey of healing."

Suhani's voice wavered slightly as she looked out into the crowd, her eyes searching for familiar faces that had stood by her side. She spotted Ranveer and Yukti in the crowd, both looking back at her with Pride and admiration.

"So," Suhani's voice grew stronger, "With the support of my family, friends, and this community, I decided to start The SuYukti Foundation. A place where survivors can heal, and a place where we can raise awareness about sexual abuse."

A murmur of approval spread through the crowd as Suhani continued. "But this is just the beginning. We have a long way to go, and we need your help to make this foundation successful. We need funds, volunteers, and most importantly, your unwavering support. We need to spread awareness about the issue, break the silence, and support the survivors. Let's join hands and fight against this demon together."

As Suhani finished her speech, a thunderous applause erupted from the audience. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she forced a smile. Suhani saw her cousin Yukti wipe away a tear from her eye. The bond between them, forged by their shared traumas, had only grown stronger over the years.

Ranveer stood beside Mohit, both men looking incredibly proud of Suhani. Ranveer had been there for Suhani throughout her journey, his support unwavering, and his love unconditional.

As the applause died down, Ranveer approached the mic and cleared his throat. "On behalf of everyone in this room, I want to thank Suhani for her bravery and courage in starting the SuYukti Foundation. We all know that it takes a lot of strength to face one's demons, and Suhani has done so with grace and resilience. We are here to support her, and to support each other, in this fight against sexual abuse."

Mohit, moved by his daughter's speech and the overwhelming support from the community, stepped up next. "I am so proud of my daughter for taking this initiative to help others who have gone through similar experiences. I know how hard it was for her to face her past, and I am glad that she has found the strength to help others do the same."

The event ended with a group photo of the attendees, including Suhani, Ranveer, Yukti, and Mohit, all smiling and holding hands. As they posed, Suhani couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment and pride. She had come a long way from the frightened, guarded woman she had once been. With the support of her loved ones and the community around her, she had not only faced her past but also found a way to help others do the same.

As the crowd began to disperse, Suhani and Ranveer made their way outside, where they found Yukti and Mohit waiting for them. Yukti wrapped her arms around Suhani, giving her a firm hug. "I'm so proud of you, Di," she whispered, tears glistening in her eyes.

Mohit, his eyes filled with unshed tears, hugged Suhani tightly. "I always knew you were strong, Suhani, but today you have shown the world just how powerful you are," he murmured.

The four of them walked together, reliving the emotional moments of the event. Ranveer, his heart swelling with emotion, took Suhani's hand in his and squeezed it reassuringly. "You did an amazing job today," he said softly.

Suhani smiled at him, her eyes shining with tears. "I couldn't have done it without your love and support," she replied.

Yukti and Mohit exchanged a knowing look, both grateful for Ranveer's presence in Suhani's life. They had seen how he had stood by her side through all the ups and downs, giving her strength when she needed it most.

Ranveer's gaze lingered on Suhani's face, and he realized that he had found something worth fighting for. He had never seen her so vulnerable, yet so powerful at the same time. He knew that he had a role to play in her journey, and he was ready to be by her side.

As they continued to walk, the scent of the blooming flowers from the garden wafted through the air, and Suhani let out a deep breath, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She knew that her journey had only just begun, but with the support of her loved ones, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


And it's a wrap! This was a particularly difficult story to write because it was raw in terms of handling of panic attacks. Honestly, I was also tired of seeing women being passive in the marriages-of-convenience, so I wanted to write a story where the marriage is spearheaded by a woman. Suhani and Ranveer have my heart and I hope they have yours <3

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