Part 3

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"He was determined to tie himself to anyone, even though his heart belonged to another. His hesitation to the marriage agreement was palpable, but what drove him to accept still remains a mystery - perhaps she could not refuse or had already promised herself to another. I could not stand the thought of being in a marriage without love."

Aanchal's words when she had called her before reaching out to Ranveer rang in Suhani's ears as she waited in the VIP booth of the luxurious restaurant. As on ode to their close friendship, Aanchal had shared the number whose existence was unknown to her family, and it was on that number that Suhani had called.

She was in the United States. She was in New York City and had no intentions of giving another chance to the alliance. Suhani did not blame her, unlike the world Aanchal had left behind. She thanked her for the opportunity her exit had marked. The morning sunlight that shone through the window illuminated her mahogany skin with a warm, gold light. Her dark eyes danced with flecks of amber. They sparkled like jewels in the light.

Her dazed eyes fell on the forlorn form of Ranveer Dhoopar, separated by the soundproof one-way glass. Her eyebrows knotted when his eyes closed for a moment while he drew in a sharp breath, and exhaled with a sigh, opening his eyes, before turning the knob of the booth.

Suhani rose to her feet with a glint of determination in her eye and offered a faint, courteous smile. Her guest, Ranveer, settled into the chair opposite her as she began to speak, the words tumbling out of her like burning embers.

"We've known each other our whole lives. I won't dishonor that by beating around the bush. I have a proposition for you — one that will benefit us both: marriage." The word hung between them like a heavy fog, neither able to break away from its grasp.

She had dropped the bomb without a warning and his restraint over his expressions turned to ashes when surprise painted itself over his features.

"Marry?" asked Ranveer, huffing in disbelief. Of all the things he had imagined, a wedding proposal was the last of the things he had anticipated. Could it be an attempt to mock him?

"Last I remember, you refused me to marry me when asked!" Ranveer's search for hints of remorse in her eyes proved futile. Her discerning eyes remained hidden behind the veil of strategic nonchalance. "I'm sorry about that and about your fiancee eloping."

A wry chuckle escaped Ranveer's lips. "Please, Suhani. I know you meant what you had said. And I know you aren't interested in marrying me, so why the meet and the proposition?"

Suhani's breath came out in a ragged gasp as her lips curled into a tight line. Ranveer thought he detected the same desperation that filled his own soul, but he fervently hoped it was all an illusion. He didn't want her to suffer and endure the same anguish he did; he refused to let her experience a similar fate, no matter how much hurt she had caused him.

"Well, we can offer each other something that the other wants. Marrying me will help you and your family save face."

His eyes narrowed as he posed the question - "What does the proposition offer you want?" Could she truly want him, despite all his suffering? The agony that seemed to stretch into eternity, the longing that would have no purpose if she embraced him as he yearned for her. A spark of hope flickered within him, swelling his chest with fervent desire, and he held his breath in anticipation.

"A chance at motherhood."

Suhani's answer dashed the hopes she had roused without her notice. "I... I-I don't understand."

"I should be more specific," she said, swallowing the lump in throat as she refused to meet his eyes. "A chance at motherhood without ever consummating the marriage."

Ranveer's eyebrows shot towards his hairline and furrows marred his forehead. "You... we'd never consummate the marriage, so you want to conceive artificially?"

Suhani nodded, pinning her gaze to the table between them. His accusing gaze burned through her, almost making her squirm in her seat. "I would not stop you from pursuing a relationship outside matrimony. You would have complete freedom to do as your heart desires."

The creases on his forehead deepened and his chest constricted with confusion. "Why... why would you want that? An open marriage with children conceived artificially? That makes no sense!"

"It doesn't matter. I know what I want, and this is what it is." The sharp edge to her tone deepened the frown etched into his features, as did the vortex of confusion that dragged him to its depths. "I understand it may sound... unreasonable. You are free to refuse," she added.

He noted how she did not refute the tag of open marriage for the relationship she had suggested. Was it possible she considered the marriage a mere responsibility and obstacle to pursuing the other gender?

Or was the problem specific to him?

Was it him that made her averse to intimacy?

Then why choose him?

Or did she find herself in some circumstance made him the only choice?

He tried to make sense of the questions that swirled around in his head, but she had refused to offer any answers. He could feel himself be pulled towards the edge of desperation as he contemplated all the potential scenarios. But despite the need within him to know more, he found he couldn't press her for an answer.

Suhani took large sips of water and wiped the beads of perspiration that had appeared on her forehead. "Even if I agree to your proposition, we cannot get married right away," he said, breaking the tense silence that enveloped them.

Suhani watched as he edged towards an affirmation, and she was grateful that he had given her time to think before actually choosing marriage. The idea of entering into a lifelong bond terrified her, but she steeled herself, unwilling to back away from this challenge.

"I'm aware. It would be quite scandalous for us to wed immediately after your fiancee eloped. Would cause many rumors to fly."

Suhani Malhotra seemed impenetrable. An enigma lay behind her friendly smirk and focused gaze, a mystery that begged to be solved. But the barriers around her grew stronger with every passing second, and caution was etched in her every movement - nobody dared try to understand her. Time was of the essence; only time held the key to unlocking Suhani's secrets.

"Yes. Yes. I believe we should wait for the better part of a year to be safe."

Suhani arched her eyebrow. "To make it look like we fell in love after Aanchal left - right. Let's meet after two weeks, then."

"After two weeks?" he asked, eyes narrowed and lips set in a thin line.

"Why, yes, to fall in love, of course."


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