He pointed in the direction of a freshman class’s physical ed lesson. A group of female students were currently dancing along to the music played by their teacher, it was actually quite refreshing.

But asking these group of tall burly guys to twist their waists, twirl their arms, and spin around in circles was just frightening.

“Once you’ve correctly mastered the moves, you can come down from the podium. Those that have not can continue following their dance, till the song is over,” Chen Yue piped in. After his suggestion was raised, the other boys in Class Ten readily agreed to it.

This time, as a way to end this humiliating experience faster, those who were planning to lazily follow along to the dance had no choice but to properly follow the dance.


“Hei Pi! Brother Hei Pi’s dancing is not bad!”

“I think so too! His dancing can be compared to those at the national level!”

Duan JiaYan lazily sat like an emperor by a tree. After hearing the others say that, he generously nodded his head, his actions were frankly asking for a beating, “Then Jiang Lin can come down first.”

Hei Pi released his breath.

After him, a few students were also pardoned from dancing, and could leave the aerobics team. All the way till the end, though it wasn’t sure if Class Ten did it on purpose, only Du XuChen was left.

Previously when there were still other students it was still okay, but now that there was only Du XuChen, watching him follow the female students with their dance felt like one was watching a play.

Class Ten was trying its best to hold in their laughter, even the Sports Class was having trouble holding in their laughs.

Someone chortled, ”God damn it, this is too funny.”

“Du XuChen is pretty funny, his basketball skills are also horrible.”

“Fuck, why did I decide to help him play basketball…”

Chen Yue saw Lu XingCi using his phone by the side and made his way over, “Lu-dog, what are you doing?”

“Nothing much,” Lu XingCi said.

He looked towards Du XuChen, the latter had already finished the dance and was making his way down. Because he had probably figured out that he was being deliberately targeted by Duan JiaYan, the gaze he levelled at the guy was discomforting.

After everyone dispersed, Lu XingCi told Chen Yue he’ll make his way back to class by himself, and told Chen Yue to make a move first.

After taking a look, he made his way to where Du XuChen was.

Du XuChen had headed to the washroom. As lessons were still going on, the sinks were all empty. Hearing footsteps behind him, Du XuChen turned around to see who it was, a jolt of fear stabbed through him, “Lu-ge?”

“I want to talk to you about something.”

Du XuChen was a little confused, “About what?”

Lu XingCi held his phone out in front of him, on the screen was Du XuChen’s performance from earlier. He probably only started filming towards the end as Du XuChen was the only one in the video. His dumb-looking actions coupled with the aerobics music resulted in a pretty funny video.

Du XuChen instinctively reached out to snatch the phone.

As if anticipating the move, Lu XingCi drew his hand back, easily avoiding him.

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