Chapter 29

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Alex takes a relaxing deep breath at the feeling of Kol's fingers massaging her scalp. The relaxing sensation causes her eyes to slowly close as she sinks further into his chest. The relaxing moment is interrupted by the sound of her phone ringing. Not wanting to sit up fully, Alex stretches her arm out behind her trying to grab the phone. At her failed attempts, Kol laughs as he reaches over with his other hand to grab the phone and hand it to her. She smiles at him in thanks before answering the phone.

"Hello?" Alex says.

"Alex, hey it's me."

"Oh, Beks. Hold on, let me put you on speaker...It's been a minute, how are things going over there?"

"Not good, since I just woke up from being daggered."

"Typical Nik." Kol says

"Klaus daggered you?" Alex asks.

"Yes, and that's not even the biggest thing: there is a member of the Brotherhood of the Five."

"I'm sorry, did you just say the Brotherhood of the Five?" Kol asks.

"Yes, and he has an unfinished tattoo, but if he finishes it, it'll show to the map that'll lead to the cure."

"Wait, hold on. You still want the cure?"

"Yes Kol. I never stopped wanting the cure. I just gave up hope on ever finding it because the Brotherhood of the Five was never heard of again since Nik slaughtered the first group."

"Okay, hold on, slow down because I'm confused. Who are the Brotherhood of the Five?"

"They were, or I guess are, a group of five vampire hunters imbued with supernatural strength. And their one goal is to eliminate all vampires from the face of the earth. Each hunter has a tattoo that travels from their hand to their chest, and when decoded is a map that leads to their ultimate weapon. A cure for vampirism."

"Okay, Rebekah, I'm going to ask you something, and please don't get offended when I do, but why do you want the cure?"

"Well, I was forced into becoming a vampire by my parents, and don't get me wrong, I've had some amazing times exploring new places and watching the world change over the centuries. However, this isn't the life I wanted for myself. I wanted a more simple life: to settle down with a husband and children and have a fulfilling life. And once my life ends, that's it. That's the life I want."

"Okay, I see. If that's what you want, I fully support it."

"Thank you, Alex."

"Of course. You're like my sister, Beks, and I just want you to be happy, whether that be as an immortal or as a human."

"I've come to think of you as my sister too. If I take the cure, the one regret I'll have is not being able to spend several lifetimes with the people I care for, like you...and even Kol."

"Aww, how sweet, thanks sister." Kol says.

"You tell anyone I said that and I'll skin you alive Kol. Now, I wanted to ask you two something."

"Of course, ask away." Alex says.

"I know you two left to get a break from Mystic Falls, but could you possibly come back to help me find the cure? Please?"

"Yeah, we'll be back tomorrow morning." Alex says

"Thank you both. I've got to go, I've got some planning to do, but see you both soon." Rebekah says before hanging up the phone.

Alex sighs as she leans her head back against the headboard.

"Are you alright, darling?"


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