Chapter 25

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Alex slowly wakes to the feeling of sunlight shining on her eyelids. She slowly opens her eyes and puts her arms over her head as she stretches.

"Good morning, darling." Kol says.

"Hmm, good morning." She says as she finishes stretching.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, but I feel like I should be asking you that. He was your brother after all."

Kol takes a deep breath before saying, "I'm doing okay. I mean, like I told you, we weren't really that close. But he was my eldest brother. I will be fine."

"I know you will be. Just know that I'm here if you ever want to talk about it."

"Thank you, darling."

"Of course...So, how would you feel about leaving Mystic Falls for a little bit? Just for a change of scenery."

"I'd say yes, please. Where were you thinking?"

"Hmmmm....Let's go to Denver."

"Denver? Okay, sounds like a plan."

"Good." Alex says smiling at Kol before leaning in and softly kissing him. She leaned away before saying, "Alright, come on. We need to check on your siblings."

"Ugh, why?"

"Because your brother just died. You guys should be together at least for a bit, now come on."

Once they are both ready, Alex teleports herself and Kol to the Mikaelson residence. They walk to the living room to see Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah sitting and conversing with each other.

"Hey guys," Alex says to the siblings. They turn and smile at her warmly before greeting her as well. Alex and Kol then join the siblings. "So, how are you guys doing after Finn's death?"

Elijah sighs before saying, "I'm doing as well as to be expected. Thank you for checking, Alex."

Rebekah nods in agreement and says, "Yeah, it's been an interesting couple days, but I've been able to take some of my anger from this out on Damon. So, I'll be better in no time, I think."

A small smile forms on Alex's face after hearing this before she turns to Klaus, hoping to hear how he feels as well.

Klaus just shakes his head before narrowing his eyes and says, "It's better off that he's dead. He was an embarrassment anyway." He then angrily rises from his seat before storming out of the room.

Alex sighs before saying, "I'll go check on him."

She wanders around the house before finally finding him outside, sitting on the porch stairs. She sits next to him just staring at the view, waiting for him to say something when he's ready.

He sees her approach from the corner of his eye and sighs before asking, "What do you want, Alex?"

"I just wanted to check on you."

"Check on me? I'm fine, love. Never better, now that Finn is gone." However even as he said this, his face contradicted his words as tears began forming in his eyes.

"Klaus? Klaus, look at me."

Klaus turns to her with tears in his eyes and angrily says, "What?"

"You know it's okay to be sad about Finn's death?"

"I'm not though."

"Then why are you crying?"

Klaus slowly brings his hand to his face and feels the wet tears on his fingertips. He stares at his fingertips in shock at the fact that he is actually crying. He turns to look at her, his mouth opening, but no words coming out.

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