Chapter 23

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Kol wakes up the next day, and surprisingly the first thing on his mind isn't his anger towards Damon, but to call Alex. He reaches for his phone and proceeds to call her, but her phone goes straight to voicemail. He shrugs his shoulders thinking that she might be asleep, so he makes his way downstairs to greet his brother.

"Morning, brother." He says to Klaus.


Kol goes to get a blood bag from the kitchen. As he's drinking it, Rebekah walks into the house in the same dress from last night.

"Well, well, well. There's our girl." He says as he walks up to Rebekah blocking her path.

"Get out of my way Kol." Rebekah says.

"Out all night. What a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt, was it?"

"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth." She says as she pushed Kol out of the way, only to see Klaus smirking. "Don't start, Nik."

"I didn't say anything." Klaus says.

"I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun."

"Why don't you go out with Alex?"

"Speaking of which is she here?" Rebekah asked.

"She should be. Last night she said that she would stay with you, Kol, after getting your neck snapped." Klaus says.

Kol looked at his brother in confusion before saying, "She wasn't here this morning. And when I called her earlier, she didn't answer. I thought that maybe she was just sleeping in like normal...I'm going to check and see if she's at her place."

Klaus and Rebekah shared a look of concern before following after Kol and saying, "Wait! We're coming too!"

They all made their way to Alex's apartment. As they're walking towards the apartment door, they notice Elijah there as well preparing to knock on the door.

"Elijah? What are you doing here?" Kol asks.

"I noticed that Alex wasn't at the house this morning and I needed to talk with her about something, but it seems she isn't home."

"I'll open the door. I have a spare key." Kol says as he moves to the door with the key in hand.

Once opened all the Mikaelson siblings file into the apartment. Kol immediately goes to Alex's room only to find it empty. He even checks the bathroom, but also comes up empty handed.

"She's not here." Kol says as he makes his way back to his siblings.

"Well, if she's not here or at the house then where is she?" Rebekah asked.


Alex slowly comes to and looks around trying to get her bearings, "Where am I?" she asks herself.

At the sound of her voice, Mason turns to her and says, "Oh, Alex. I'm glad you're awake."

"Mason? What have you done? Why did you bring me here?"

"A woman named Esther came to me with a proposition. She said that if I hold you here for the night, she will get rid of the Mikaelson's and I can do anything I want with you...Isn't that great? That means you and I can be together again."

"And you seriously think that I'd want to get back together with you with the role you played in my family's death. Not to mention the fact that you are holding me here against my will. There is no way in hell that I will ever be with you again. EVER!"

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