Lost in the Void: Yhwach faces Gojo's Domain Expansion

Start from the beginning

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Sorry, Yhwach. I'm just as clueless as you are. Whatever happened in there, it's beyond my understanding.

Yhwach's brows furrowed in frustration at the lack of clarity. However, before he could dwell further on the matter, Zaegar's voice interjected, carrying with it a sense of knowing amusement.

Zaegar: (Mental Link) Ah, Yhwach, big man, do you recall the lesson I imparted upon you not too long ago? about INSTINCT?

The mention of the lesson stirred a memory within Yhwach's mind, a faint recollection of their previous conversation amidst the vast expanse of darkness.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Yes, Zaegar. You spoke of the distinction between a king and his horse, of purpose and will.

( Flashback - The Dark Void )

 Zaegar: Yhwach. What's the difference between a king and his horse? If their form, ability, and power are exactly the same, why is it that one becomes the king and leads them into battle, while the other becomes the horse and carries the king? So what's the characteristic that distinguishes these two beings? 

Yhwach looked up at Zaegar, pondering the question. The dark void seemed to echo with the weight of the inquiry. 

Yhwach: The difference lies in their purpose. The king commands, decides the direction, and holds the responsibility for the entire entity, while the horse serves, follows, and bears the burden of the king's will. 

Zaegar nodded in acknowledgment, a faint smile playing on his colossal face. 

Zaegar: Exactly. And as you traverse the path of a king, you must understand that your power, and your abilities, are not just tools for destruction. They are means to an end, a purpose greater than mere conquest. 

Yhwach: What purpose, Zaegar? What end? 

Zaegar's eyes gleamed with intensity. 

Zaegar: You seek peace, Yhwach. But remember, peace isn't simply the absence of conflict. It's the establishment of a harmonious order, a balance where every being, every existence, finds its place and purpose without oppression or injustice. 

Yhwach: Peace... a world without conflict. 

Zaegar: Indeed. And to achieve such a lofty goal, you must master the true nature of your abilities. The Schrifts you possess are not just weapons; they are expressions of your will. Voltstanding them is understanding their essence, unlocking their full potential.

Zaegar's words echoed within the vast darkness of Yhwach's inner world. The intensity in his eyes conveyed the weight of his message. 

Zaegar: If I posed that question to myself, Yhwach, my answer would be INSTINCT!

( End of Flashback )

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Instinct... Yes, I remember now.

Gojo: (In thought) Huh. How intriguing. Could it be that your lack of cursed energy I wonder?

Gojo sighs.

Gojo: I'm going to be on a trip in two days, and I'm going to need you to watch over the other First-Years for a short period of time while I'm gone.

Gojo said. Yhwach and Zaegar frowned. They didn't like the idea of babysitting.

Zaegar: What the fuck, you albino-haired bitch? Why the fuck do we have to babysit a bunch of bitches? I had to deal with Team CRDL, Team RWBY, every single fucking day! Why the fuck...

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