chapter 14 🧙🏻‍♀️🧹🪄

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"Hyung, are you okay?" Jungkook asked, being hugged by the alpha.

Taehyung nodded his head frantically. "Now I am okay, I am more than okay."

"You know we can go home, rogues may be roaming here," Jungkook said, fearing as the sun has already set and the sky adorned with stars.

"You don't have to worry when your alpha is here to protect you," Taehyung said absentmindedly.

Jungkook's heartbeat picked up the pace. "My alpha," Jungkook whispered.

Jungkook instantly broke the hug and stepped back , taheyung felt his arms getting cold away from his mate's warmth . Jungkook blinked while looking down and started moving towards the cottage without waiting for taehyung .

"What the hell, Koo? How can you do this with your alpha? How can you hug another alpha? How can... how can your heart pick up a beat with his touch? I need to stay away from him," Jungkook reminded himself.

Taehyung followed him at some distance. Jungkook was walking ahead with Taehyung behind at a distance of 5 feet. He stopped when Jungkook stopped and moved when he moved, understanding that he wants distance from him. He really wanted to just go and back hug his baby witch, but he stopped himself from acting on his impulse.

It was dark. Taehyung realized that Jungkook tripped a few times while walking in the dark. Maybe his wolf side is not mature enough to see in the dark. He snapped a finger, and Jungkook was surrounded by fireflies. Jungkook's lips made an 'o' in astonishment.

"Aurora, let us take you home," a firefly spoke and got ahead of Jungkook with her friends. Jungkook was surrounded by hundreds of fireflies; one sat on his nose. He looked so adorable that Taehyung just wanted to eat him as if he were candy.

Soon the fireflies led Jungkook to the cottage. Jungkook didn't look back at the alpha; he is afraid his heart will again do a flip if he looked in the eyes of the alpha.

He entered the cottage with Taehyung tailing behind, maintaining the distance.

"You take the bedroom; I will sleep in the living room," Jungkook said without looking at Taehyung.

"Why?" Taehyung's hoarse voice broke, asking, but Jungkook just bit his lips.

"You take the bed; I will sleep in the living room," Taehyung proposed. Jungkook's heart again paced; he has started hating how he and his heart act around this alpha, how he can't see any tear in the alpha's eyes, how he finds excuses just to tease the alpha and talk to him and spend a little more time with him. He hates his heart where only his fated mate existed; Taehyung is knocking. He hates that when Taehyung brought up the proposal of his marriage with him, how a little part of him wanted to agree with him. He needs to stop all of this mess; he needs to end this, otherwise, he will hurt his fated mate.

"You don't need to face problems because of me," Jungkook reasoned, looking at the floor, not daring to look at the alpha.

"You are sleeping in the bedroom, and it's final," Taehyung said and moved to the couch.

Jungkook ran to the bedroom; he can't stay in the same air as Taehyung; he is playing with his mind. Jungkook sat on the floor, closing the door. Unknown to him, a few tears made their way out of his eyes.

"Koo, you can't do this; this is wrong... but... but... I think I like Taehyungie hyung... how can you do this with your mate, Kook? It's better to die than to do this; he had been waiting just for you for centuries, and here you gave your heart to someone else, how cruel you can be," he whispered, and more tears made their way out of his eyes. His sobs turned into cries; he hated himself for being like this.

Taehyung was restless, pacing back and forth.

"Why can't you tell our mate the truth, Taehyung?" Vante growled.

"Did you forget the foretelling of the future?" Taehyung shouted in anger and pain.

"Do you think I enjoy this, staying away from the reason for my existence, giving pain to my heartbeat, distancing myself from my world?" he shouted.

"Fuck the foretelling, Tae. Who knows the future, only the divine? He is merciful, the beneficent. You made a mistake and paid the price; they took our mate. Don't be a fool to distance us from our mate; last time they did this with us, this time you are doing the same, and in this mess, who is the one in pain?... our mate," Vante reasoned.

"I can't let my baby turn into a monster," Taehyung whispered.

"Don't be a fool, Taehyung. For how long are you going to escape from our mate? Do you think he will stay still his whole life without his alpha, for whom he escaped his home, away from his people? You know yourself how much he loves his parents; he just left everything behind for us. And look at you, you are not brave enough to tell him the reality.

"He... He will hate me after knowing the whole truth," Taehyung whispered, with tears cascading down his cheeks.

"He will not; you know yourself how much he loves us. Do you think he will ever hate you for what you did after they took him away? Taehyung, neither you nor me were in our senses; what happened was because of... the moongoddess, because she fell in love, she was jealous, she was..." Vante scoffed in the end.

"Tae, we are left with none but Jungkook; he is the only one we need. The divine sent him again for us; don't be a fool to give up on him," Vante reasoned.

Taehyung was quietly listening to him; he settled himself on the couch, drowning in his thoughts. He was too absorbed in his own grief that he didn't realize his mate was hurting and crying.

After a few minutes, he felt his heart burning, the kind of feelings he is well aware of; his eyes shot open; his mate is in grief; he cursed at himself for not realizing it before; he ran to the bedroom, but the door was locked; he could hear faint sounds of cries.

"Koo, open the door," he called his mate, panicking, but in return, he just heard cries.

"Koo, my baby, open the door for hyungie, please, I beg you love," he shouted again, but no reply.

He kept knocking and asking for his mate, but Jungkook was not budging at all.

In the end, he was left with no option than summoning someone after centuries, his ex-best friend.

"Jimin," he called just above a whisper.

Suddenly, Jimin appeared from nowhere with his frying pan. He looked at the atmosphere, and his eyes widened.

"Ehhhhh, I think I mistakenly landed here," he said, panicking, and vanished.

"Jimin," Taehyung called once again.

Jimin appeared once again from nowhere.

"Is it my last day?" Jimin asked himself, panicking.

"Go to Aurora," Taehyung said in monotone, confusing Jimin, but somehow he understood the situation.


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