chapter 6 🧹🪄🧙🏻‍♀️

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"Okay, meanie alpha, I am leaving. I hope to not meet you again," the witch bid goodbye to his bully, ready to fly on  tokki, his cap 'Jusul' settled on his head.

"Whatever, little witch, as if I want to see that face of yours," Taheyung deadpanned.

"Whatever, big bad meanie, huh?" the witch settled on tokki, now slightly floating in air

He glanced at the alpha once and then looked forward.

"Take care, little witch. Don't fall on people next time; fall on the ground and break your bones," the alpha waved, looking adorably at the cute baby witch ready to fly.

"You also choke on water and die, big bad meanie," the witch sassed.

They both were bickering, not ready to leave each other, buying time by bickering.

"Little witch, I told you already I have some rougeness in my blood. Do you wish to be my prey?" the alpha warned playfully.

"Huh, my one potion will convert you into a pig," the witch said while checking his nails.

Tokki and the cap would have looked at the duo with an eye roll if they had any.

Tokki pushed himself forward, telling Jungkook to either travel or to get his koobooty away.

"Whatever, tokki, do you think I want to stay with a pig like him? Huh, jokes on you, I don't," the witch rolled his eyes.

"Tokki is smarter than you. Tokki, how does it feel to have a dumb owner?" Taheyung instigated the younger.

Tokki was now enjoying this drama. He is on alpha's side, he is sure. He would have wagged his tail in front of the alpha if he had any.

The cap was at the verge of crying. It would have cried if she had eyes. It's been 45 minutes, and these two are still not bidding farewell, just bickering. Tokki, who was enjoying it, is now tired after these minutes of waiting.

Tokki pushed himself this time with force.

"Okay, okay, tokki, let's leave this pigi," he said and glanced at the elder. He saw something in the eyes of the elder that was telling him to stay, but he broke the eye contact in a few seconds. 'You have a mate, Koo,' he reminded himself and looked forward.

"Take care, little witch," he waved his arm in the air smilingly, and as soon as the witch disappeared into the vast sky, his smile fell. His arm fell on either side of his torso. He fell on his knees, his face showing nothing but agony looking at the way the witch disappeared.

"The little witch's knee hurt suddenly, While flying

"Why do you keep hurting yourself, my silly beloved alpha?" he said while hissing in pain, feeling sad for his alpha who lives alone in the woods; he must not have anyone to take care of him.

Soon, he reached his home. That was a beautiful warm double-story cottage. The witch was terrified; his parents must have known by now that he was gone for 2 days and 1 night. He hurriedly took out the potion from his gown and smiled widely.

" Thank you so much, teacher Hawasa, for teaching me how to make an invisibility potion."

The witch drank that and soon found his legs and arms getting invisible.

"Oh my moongoddess," he exclaimed.

"Keep quiet, it's not your voice that has gone invisible," tokki said, boredly.

Making his way towards his owner's room from the window that was upstairs with the cap, Jungkook smiled. He knows that tokki doesn't show it, but he loves his owner so much.

The little witch slowly entered his home to see his Mumma Jini stood over a bubbling cauldron, stirring rhythmically with a twisted wooden spoon. Wisps of fragrant steam rose, carrying the scent of crushed herbs and simmering potions.

"Care to explain where have you been, Jungkookie?" he heard his mumma ask the question when he was sneaking his way to his room. He froze while taking the steps; he was sure he was careful not to make any noise.

"Hawasa may have taught you how to make an invisibility potion, but remember your mumma is a head witch; no witchcraft can escape your mumma's eyes," Jin said while smiling sweetly, looking at the way his son was standing.

"Mummaaaaaaa, you found out," Jungkook whined.

Jin just chuckled.

Jin rose his hand elegantly, and his fingers danced, and soon a wand made its way towards his hands.

With a deliberate motion, he extended the wand towards the baby witch ,  the tip pointed unwaveringly at his chest, Jin spoke some words under his breath, and a purple light struck from the wand on Jungkook, making him visible slowly, his face becoming visible  ,  then his limbs.

"My sweet, sweet mumma," Jungkook approached his mumma and hugged him and kissed him.

"It's not going to work, buttercup. Tell me where have you been," Jin asked.

"I went to explore the other areas outside the coven, but a snowstorm hit, and I got stuck. A good alpha gave me shelter to live for the night," Jungkook said while pouting, ready to get scolded.

Jin breathed out, "Did you go out to find your significant other?" he asked patiently.

Jungkook shook his head abruptly. Jin knows he was lying.

"My baby, he will hurt you. You know I can foresee the future, right?" Jin tried to explain to the younger.

"But he is my mate, my significant other. I cannot live without him," he said in a small voice.

Jin took a deep breath.

"Baby, he is the powerful alpha sovereign, do you know the meaning of it?" Mamma Witch asked the younger.

Jungkook shook his head.

"He is the blood of witch Sylvana and alpha Ravok."

Jungkook gasped.

"Baby, don't find him, stay away from him; otherwise, history will repeat what happened centuries ago."

Jungkook's hands trembled; his eyes formed tears; he spun around and reached his room. Jin just breathed out in disappointment; this is the fate; he cursed the moongoddess to give such fate to his son.

"Don't try to change what I wrote. I promise that the ending remains the same, my son, either way," Jin heard a familiar voice that he has started to hate now.

" How can you do that to your own grandson mother ", he whispered in pain .

"On the other hand, Jungkook reached the room, sobbing hard. He fell on his mattress and buried his head in his pillow.

"Why does everyone hate my alpha?" he sobbed hard.

"My alpha is a good person, he is no evil," he said.

The cap 'Jusul' sighed along with tokki.

"Why is our witch always crying for that alpha? Where is he?" Jusul said in anger.

"You are as dumb as our little baby witch," tokki replied.


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