chapter 13 🧙🏻‍♀️🧹🪄

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The little fishes swam towards Jungkook.

"Accept our greetings, Aurora," the blue, shy male fish said like a baby.

Jungkook looked at them in astonishment.

"Ohhhhhhh, so cuteeeee," he said, finding them so tiny and cute.

"Please rise," Jungkook said to them, and then he extended his hand toward the fishes. The blue one made his way towards Aurora's hand and then rubbed his body on it.

Then the red and orange fishes did the same. Jungkook took them near his face and rubbed his face with them, showing his affection.

"You all are so cute," he exclaimed again.

"Thank you, Aurora," the trio said in unison.

"Aurora, you are so beautiful," the blue one said, looking at him, while the red fish glared at him in anger. "Are you sure you want to die at the hands of Aether," he whispered to the blue fish, who started breaking into cold sweats.

"Thank you so much. May I know your names?" Jungkook asked lovingly. He is a brat, and he knows it, but something about these animals brings out a motherly nature in Jungkook, a nature he was not even aware of, and he is loving this feeling.

The three fishes became so excited.

The red one spun around. "I AM SPLASH!" she shouted in excitement.

The orange one flipped. "I AM BUBBLE!" she exclaimed.

The blue one spun around. "AND I AM FLICKER!" he exclaimed in excitement.

"Oh, you all have such cute names, like you, Splash, Bubble, and Flicker."

Soon all the small fishes surrounded Jungkook, spinning around him and bowing to greet him. Jungkook was giggling; he never knew a realm like this existed.

"Splash, can you tell us if Triton is in his palace?"

"Yes, he is," Splash answered.

"Do Aurora and Jimin want to visit Triton? We will take you there," Bubble spoke this time with excitement.

"Oh yeahhhhhh," Flicker jumped in excitement.

"Follow us," the trio swam in the water followed by Jungkook and Jimin.

"Sparky, we need you," Flickle shouted, to which a jellyfish arrived.

"Aurora," the jellyfish named Sparky gasped, looking at Jungkook.

"Accept my greetings, Aurora," the jellyfish said, and then they swam across the water.

Soon everything turned dark. Jungkook tightened his grip around Jimin's hand.

"Don't worry, Aurora, when Sparky is here," saying that, Sparky illuminated itself, and now Jungkook could see around him. He was astounded.

Soon they reached the bottommost portion of the water body. The darkness vanished, and a palace came into view.

Jungkook's eyes shot open. He was astounded looking at it; it was magnificent.

Jimin was panicking. He tightened his grip around Jungkook's hand; he was so nervous to look at the man who owns his heart.

"Don't panic, Jimini. We know you came to meet Triton; we are gonna help you enter," Splash said in excitement.

Jungkook moved towards the palace but was stopped by Jimin.

"Aurora, sharks are guarding the palace. They will not let me in; they will only allow you since you are our Aurora," Jimin said sadly.

"Don't worry, Jimini. We will sneak, and we can't let the guards know that I came; otherwise, this news will spread to Triton, and he will want to know why I visited him," Jungkook reasoned.

Oh my baby witch (taekook)✅Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon