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Smokescreen frowns as he's stuck sitting in the base, keeping an eye on the kids. The rest of the team have gone out to save Ratchet and take down the Decepticons.

He sighs, at least he was given something to do, but he really wanted to help. Miko taps him on the shoulder, holding up the Apex Armor.

"Miko? Why do you have that?" He tilts his head.

"I'm going out to help. Raf is opening a bridge and I'm using the armor to help," Miko says it more like a command.

"Magnus said I had to make sure you didn't leave," He looks down.

"I won't get hurt, the armor will protect me," Miko states. "And maybe you can go help too."

Smokescreen glances at Mea, who nods quickly. He notices she has a tight grip on her bow.

"Are you going too?" He asks.

"Of course I am. The more people, the easier it will be. Jack's coming too." Mea smiles.

Smokescreen groans, "Fine. Though I'm coming too."

Raf opens the bridge and the four of them walk through. They're almost immediately greeted by Soundwave. He manages to sneak up on Smokescreen and knock him down. Mea gets a shot in and knocks Soundwave back.

Soundwave opens a bridge and starts approaching the group. Jack gives a command through the comms and Ref opens a second bridge. Smokescreen and Miko hold on to the others while Soundwave is sucked into the Shadow Zone.

"What happened?" Smokescreen looks around, "Where'd he go?"

"Get Shadow Zoned!" Miko shouts.

Smokescreen looks at Mea for help, who only shrugs.


After a while the bridge opens again and they walk through. Magnus looks at Smokescreen in disappoinment. He looks down at the floor, avoiding the glare.

"Smokescreen," Magnus grabs his attention, "Thank you."

Smokescreen quickly looks up at Magnus in surprise and confusion.

"Even though I told you to keep the humans here, you let them go. But without that we would've had more problems. So, thank you," Magnus pauses for a moment, "You also went with them to make sure they didn't get hurt. Which was very responsible."

Smokescreen looks at Mea, who smiles and puts a finger over her mouth. The kids knew Smokescreen went because he wanted to be helpful, he hadn't even thought about having to protect the kids. But they lied to Magnus anyways.

Smokescreen looks back at Magnus and smiles, "Thanks."


The Autobots are packing up, ready to leave. Bulkhead notices Smokescreen hasn't moved from his spot.

"Smokescreen, you need to get ready to go," Bulkhead says.

"I'm not leaving," Smokescreen crosses his arms, "I have a family here, a home. I belong here more than I belong on Cybertron."

The Autobots look at Smokescreen in surprise. Optimus puts a servo on Smokescreen's shoulder.

"We will respect your decision," Optimus gives a small smile.

Smokescreen's face lights up as he hugs Optimus, relieved that he isn't going to be dragged away.

"Thank you," Smokescreen nearly lets out a joyful sob.


Smokescreen and the humans wave the Autobots goodbye as they leave. Once the bridge is closed they turn to each other.

"What now?" Raf asks.

"How about a drive in movie?" Smokescreen suggests.

"That's perfect!" Miko shouts.

Smokescreen transforms into his alt-mode and they all climb in.

"What movie are we going to see?" Miko asks.

"How about Herbie the Love Bug?" Mea says.

"That sounds good," Jack nods.

Smokescreen starts driving, "You guys aren't going to believe how the producer found the idea to make that movie."

Miko gasps as her and the other humans listen close to the story.



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