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Smokescreen woke up to another day. His pain was still there, but thanks to Joe, it was getting better. Smokescreen chuckled a little when he turned his head and found a small fluffy bear toy. Mea had probably given it to him.

"Hey Smokescreen, how's everything?" It was Joe.

Smokescreen thought for a second, "I could really use some energon..."

"What's Energon?" Joe questioned.

"It's a Cybertronian's fuel, it's our blood as well," Smokescreen explains.

"Is that what the strange crystals were? Mea found some at your crash site." Joe mentioned.

"Yep, the pod had some rations... But they won't last long, especially with my injuries," Smokescreen sighed.

"How about this," Joe started, " I keep one of the energon pieces, and see if I can find more."

Smokescreen smiled, "Sure, let's hope you can."

With that, Joe went back inside to grab the box of energon. After a few minutes he returned and placed the box close to Smokescreen's helm. He helped Smokescreen eat and afterwards went back to fixing him.

It was about an hour later when Mea walked over. Smokescreen was on his side now so Joe could access more of the injuries.

"Smoesceen have good sleep?" Mea asked.

Smokescreen chuckled at the failed attempt to say his name, "Yeah. Did you?"

Mea nods and picks up the bear toy, "Teddy keep you safe?" Teddy, that's what she calls the bear.

"Yes he did," Smokescreen responded. Mea peaks around his back and finds his door-wings. Her eyes go wide with curiosity. She runs over and starts touching them. Smokescreen gasps at the sudden unexpected contact but quickly relaxes. Joe notices this.

"Mea, be careful. We don't want to hurt him," Joe warns.

"It's alright," Smokescreen says, "it feels really nice... And it's taking my mind off of the pain." Smokescreen's engine gently rumbles, a sound reminiscent of a cat purring.

"Kitty!" Mea giggles as she recognizes the sound.

"Sounds like you've got a nickname," Joe chuckles.

Smokescreen sounds a bit confused, "What's a kitty?"

"It's a small animal humans keep as pets, a kitty is usually a baby cat, but Mea doesn't know the difference." Joe explained.

Smokescreen thought for a moment before he decides the nickname was alright. He let his engines continue to purr, if he was being honest, he really liked the attention Mea was giving him. He was completely fine with being her kitty. Just not her pet, but he didn't say anything about that part.

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