New Home

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Again, sorry for taking forever to write this. I have been preoccupied and procrastinating. But hey, next chapter is finally here!


Smokescreen wakes up on a medical berth in some kind of base. He tries to get up, but a servo is placed on his chest, Ratchet.

"Now that I actually have tools, you are getting a real repair," Ratchet grumps.

"I... I heard something about Optimus earlier, is it true?" Smokescreen ignores Ratchets comment.

"Yes, he was miraculously revived. During the destruction of the base, the Forge and Optimus fell into a cavern. The Forge revived him, but drained the rest of its power," Ratchet explains.

Smokescreen nods sleepily, "So, repairs?"

"Yes," Ratchet seems glad they're back on topic, "Almost all of your systems of some kind of damage, it'll take a long time to repair. I should get it done by the end of the cycle though."

"Okay, I guess you can get started," Smokescreen stays laying on the medical berth.

Ratchet pulls out his tools and starts the process a second time. This time, thankfully, he has everything he needs. Smokescreen shouldn't need another extensive repair job in a while.

At some point during the repairs, Smokescreen notices Mea is watch on the observation deck. Smokescreen is about to speak but Ratchet shushes him. This causes Mea to chuckle. Mea seems to be saying something to Ratchet, but Smokescreen can't quite hear it. It's probably due to Ratchet's repairs, he must have turned something off.

After Ratchet and Mea finish, Mea gives Smokescreen a sad look and walks away. Smokescreen can't help but make a small whining sound as she leaves. Not too long after that, Smokescreen falls asleep.


Smokescreen wakes up and looks around, Ratchet is nowhere to be seen. Smokescreen gets up and is surprised when he feels... lighter? He isn't sure how describe it, but all his little aches and pains are gone. Ratchet really did a good job fixing him up.

Smokescreen walks out of the med-bay and notices the other Autobots in the main room.

He walks over and smiles happily, "Hi."

"Smokescreen!" Mea jumps right off the observation deck and into Smokescreen's arm. He nearly falls over but thankfully Bulkhead grabs him and pulls him up.

"Thanks," Smokescreen lets out a sigh of relief.

"She's got a lot of faith in you, kid," Bulkhead smiles.

"Yeah, she hasn't stopped talking about you," Arcee mutters grumpily.

Smokescreen places Mea on his shoulder and sits down.

"Ratchet told me you were all fixed up," Mea says.

"Feels like it too," Smokescreen chuckles.

"No more aches?"

"No more aches."

Smokescreen looks up at Ultra Magnus, who had appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Magnus asks.

"Uhh... Sitting," Smokescreen responds.

"You can sit later. You may not be able to fight, but there is still plenty you can do. Like stacking the empty energon cubes," Magnus commands.

"Oh. Okay..." Smokescreen stands up and places Mea back on the observation deck.

He walks over to Bumblebee who is also stacking empty cubes. He takes a moment to look at them, trying to figure out the best way to do it. He places his leg behind the cube and uses it as leverage so he can pull the cube up and under his arm with one hand. He then places the cube on a stack.

He continues to do this for a long time, it reminds him of his work at home. Though he always had a pulley to help stack the crushed cars, back in the junkyard. He looks back at Mea, who's playing Mario Kart with the other humans. It's nice to know she's making friends, and he hopes he can make a few as well. He might have a chance with Bulkhead and Bumblebee, though he's not that sure about the others.

He goes back to stacking empty cubes till Magnus tells him and Bumblebee that they can stop. He sits down and leans against the wall, exhausted. He's felt tired before, but usually when he was this tired he just fell asleep. Maybe Ratchet fixed that too, his random sleep spells. He'd have to ask later.

Bulkhead looks down at Smokescreen, "Come on, kid. Time to see your room."

"My room?" Smokescreen tilts his head.

"Yeah, set up a berth for you," Bulkhead smiles.

"What about Mea?" Smokescreen asks.

"She's got a place to rest on the desk in there."

Smokescreen gets up quickly and gently grabs Mea. He follows Bulkhead to a room. Sure enough, there is a berth in the middle of the room and a bed on the desk. Smokescreen places Mea on the desk and smiles.

"Thanks Bulkhead," Smokescreen says.

"It's what friends are for," Bulkhead responsds.

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