Birthday Bash

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It's the one year anniversary of Smokescreen's arrival on Earth, and meeting the Carter family. Smokescreen didn't expect anything special to come of this day, sure on Cybertron bots celebrated anniversaries, and Smokescreen himself had shared a few human holidays with the Carter's, but he still didn't think much of the day. Not until he woke up.

Mea and Joe were standing next to Smokescreen with a cake that looked like an energon crystal, actual energon crystals sat in a bowl next to the cake. A singular candle sat in the cake, lit aflame. Smokescreen recognized this tradition as something to do for a human birthday.

"Happy Birthday!" Mea shouted with joy.

"But it's not my birthday," Smokescreen was clearly confused.

"We don't actually know when your birthday is," Joe starts, "because can't Cybertronian months correlate with human months. So Mea had the idea of using this day as your birthday."

Smokescreen paused for a moment, considering the idea, "That makes sense. Alright, then let's do this birthday thing."


The party was really fun, they played lawn darts, Joe had made two targets, one for Mea and him the other for Smokescreen, the lawn darts were just big enough for Smokescreen to gently tose comfortably. Joe ended up winning though, well if they were playing normally. Mea was the real winner but she kept cheating, but she's 5 so Smokescreen and Joe let it slide.

Now it's time for the gifts, Smokescreen can't remember the last time he was given a gift. Mea walked over with a big box that Joe helped carry.

"This was Mea's idea, but I bought it. Wasn't as expensive as I expected," Joe joked.

Smokescreen picks up the lid of the box and carefully takes out what was inside. In his hand was a teddy bear, just the right size for him. Mea had mentioned giant teddy bears, giant by human standards, but he didn't think they were real. (Those giant teddy bears are like $12 on ebay)

"Wow," Smokescreen had to take a second to think about what to say, "This is amazing."

Mea giggles, " Does Kitty like it?"

"I love it, he's perfect."

Next was Joe's gift. Joe hands Smokescreen a group of papers, this confuses Smokescreen quite a bit.

Smokescreen reads the papers allowed, "Certificate of Adoption? This certifies that the Carter family has officially adopted Steven 'Smokescreen' Carter..."

Smokescreen looks over at Joe, tears in his eyes. Smokescreen can hardly hold himself back from crying.

"Smokescreen?" Joe sounds worried.

"Thank you," Smokescreen says, "Thank you so much... Dad."

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