CHAPTER 12: In love

Start from the beginning

I stopped running after him. Now here I am, trying to catch my breath... I SWEAR I HATE RUNNING...

I sighed and took my phone and answered it


End of Ivy's POV

Grayson's POV

I went home after talking to General Parker.

"Finally! I miss you..." I said throw myself on my bed

"I miss my sweet and comfy bed..." I said and took my phone

I was just scrolling in my contacts and saw Ivy's number

I kinda miss her though.... Wait... What did I say?? Do I like her? Well.... As a friend... Maybe... I just met her though... Well....

Should I call her?? Nah, she might be busy... Should I? Or....

Should I call her?.... Or no???
How about a try??? Nevermind...

"Nah" I said and called her

"Grayson?" Ivy said through the phone... I can hear her catching her breath

"Um, sorry... Did I disturb you?" I asked her

"No... Of course not... How can I help you??" Ivy replied

"Are you ok? Did you run?" I said while laughing a little

"Umm... Me?? Well... Yeah I did..." Ivy replied while catching her breath

"You need something??" Ivy asked

"Well... Are you busy tomorrow?" I said shyly

"Um... Yeah... I've got some important things to do tomorrow... Why??" Ivy replied

Oh... Nevermind...

"Um...Nothing..." I said disappointed

"What is it Gray??" Ivy said teasingly

Gray?? Seriously?

"Well... I was hoping if we could meet at the cafe tomorrow but I guess next time??" I said while smiling

"Ok Bunny Blue... Just call me." Ivy said while whispering

"Why are you whispering??" I said while laughing a little

"It's because... I want to do it??" Ivy said and giggled

"Ok... whatever you say...Peanut." I said while laughing a little

"Hm... Ok, just call me if you need anything" Ivy said sweetly

"Ok, thank you... Bye" I replied

"Bye..." Ivy said and she hung up

End of Grayson's POV

Ivy's POV

"Ok... whatever you say...Peanut." Grayson said while laughing a little

Peanut? I dont know why... but it makes me smile every time he calls me that

"Hm... Ok, just call me if you need anything" I said sweetly

"Ok, thank you... Bye" He replied

After saying good bye to Grayson I immediately hung up

"COLIN" I said in a serious tone

I swear if he doesn't show up right now....

"WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE MISSION" I said while putting my arms on my waist waiting for Colin to show up

"I'm going to count to three and if you don't show up-" I stopped talking when I saw Colin peeking at the door

"Are you a dumb kid or what?? Who the hell plays hide and seek at the age of 49?" I said in disbelief

Colin laughed and finally showed up and started walking towards me

"Everyone would play hide and seek especially when you are the seeker..." Colin said while grinning at me

I rolled my eyes at him

"Just prepare my suit for tomorrow." I said annoyed

"Hm... You mean that wine red silk dress that you always use for killing?" Colin said while raising his eyebrows

"Yeah... Get me a pair of blue contact lenses and a blonde wig too." I said and started walking away

"For what?" Colin asked and ran after me

"For my nose... I'm gonna use the contact lenses for my nose and I'm gonna use the wig for my feet." I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes

Colin laughed

Ow- what the hell!?

Did he just smack my head?!?

"Colin..." I said and shot him a death glare

"What?? There is a fly on your head." Colin said and started walking away with speed

"COLIN..." I said very annoyed and angry

Colin looked back and started running for his life...


I checked the time and it's 6:13 A.M

Now I'm inside a black van with Colin... Planning on how to get in the building without any suspicions.

"You don't need to worry, everything is already set. Here" Colin said and handed me a black bag

"Why is this heavy? What's in this??" I said while furrowing my eyebrows

"Oh don't worry... It's a dress for disguise as an applicant and fake papers. Also your wine red dress and grey gun is in there." Colin said while setting up his pc

"Not just that, don't worry about getting in. Their security is dumb and useless, lazy enough not to care about who enters the building. They don't check their bags or whatsoever... Plus, they always leave their work and stay at the canteen... I mean, all their workers are lazy..." Colin said while laughing in disbelief

"Ok... Just give me 30 minutes to end that man's last sweet moments of his life. I'll be quick." I said confidently

"Hm... But be careful, don't let your guard down ok? There might be a trap... Just be aware." Collin and I nod at him in assurance

"Ok... Let's do this..."


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