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Wednesday's POV:

Today's the first day of our senior year, except I've already graduated. I'm now teaching the senior Botany class, the new headmistress thought it would be fit that I take over the spot of the teacher that tried to kill me. Though I don't really see what the difference would be if I taught literature instead, there practically all the same.

"Really Wednesday!" Enid groaned, as I turned the bedside lamp on. 

"What, since you weren't getting up from your alarm I did the next best thing." she whined, as she threw the covers off of herself. 
Enid and I got married last december, in hawaii. It was gorgeous, and I have to admit that was the happiest I've ever been. But since then our lives have been pretty uneventful. 

"The next best thing was to blind me by the light!? You could've came over and shaken me awake." she muttered, while following me into the bathroom. 

"If you didn't want to be blinded you should've woken up with your alarm, amore."  I answered.

"Fine then, can I at least get a kiss before you leave me?" she asked, as she can to stand in front of me. Placing her hands on my waist. 

"If you brush your teeth first," 

"First you blind me with the light, and now your denying me a kiss? Wow, Wendy." she muttered, while grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I didn't deny you a kiss, I just told you to brush your teeth first." I replied, as I leaned on the doorframe to the bathroom. 

"Close enough," 

"Mhm." I stood and waited, as she brushed her teeth. I should've left by now, but I know she would throw a fit If she didn't get a kiss. 

"There, happy now?" she questioned, while putting away her stuff.

"I'm not happy, but I guess I'll give you the kiss your practically begging for." 

"I am not begging for it." 

"Whatever you say love." she huffed, before pulling me in by my collar. The kiss was short, but sweet. I already know she's gonna be distracting today. Especially since she's in two of my classes. She's not taking botany twice, but I teach botany the first three periods, and biology the last 3. This school has become very understaffed after what happened last semester. I'm not surprised though, no one wants to work somewhere they feel endangered at. Unless your me, and the only reason Enid is still here is me. Yoko, divina, and bianca still go here as well. I have Yoko in two periods, the first one is with Enid, and the second one she has with bianca. I only have Divina once, and she's with Enid the second time. I'm going to have to split them up, if I don't all they're going to do is talk the whole time. And I refuse to let Enid fail another year. 

"I'll be leaving now, please don't be late. Just because your married to me doesn't mean i'm giving you a free pass to do whatever you want." I said, while grabbing my bag off the hook. 

"Don't worry, I'll be there Mrs. Addams!" she yelled, from the bathroom. "Love you!" she exclaimed, when she heard the door to our room open. 

"Love you too." I answered, before walking out into the hall. Yes, we still stay in the dorms, but that's only because Enid has to stay I them and her and I both agreed not to stay in separate places. 
I made it to my classroom with 15 minutes to spare before all the teachers have to go for a meeting. I could go get a cup of coffee, but I'm sure it's going to be the cheap coffee that makes me want to kill myself. I know that sounds very exciting, just not for today. 
I was signing into my computer when my phone started to ring. Enid. She's the only one that ever calls me. 

"What is it?" I ask, slightly annoyed by her call. 

"Do you know where my sweater is? I've looked for it everywhere, even in your closet. But I can't find it anywhere." she said, panic lacing her voice. 

"Did you check the clean laundry by your bed?" I question, It has to be in there. If it's not I think it's safe to say she's lost it. 

"No, let me go check." the phone went silent as she went to go check.
I was slightly startled by a knock on the door to my room, the doors open I don't know why they don't just walk in. 
I put myself on mute and call the person in, I swear if this is someone welcoming me to the staff, or congratulating me on my first day. I going to shoot them in the head. 

"Hello Ms. Addams, are you excited for your first day?" asked I'm guessing one of the other teachers. I could care less about learning all their names. 

"No, I'm more uninterested. The only reason I'm doing this was to get out of having to take another class at this teenage purgatory." 

"Babyyyy, it's not thereeee." Enid whined from the phone. That's embarrassing. 

"Enid, could you give me a moment?" I muttered.

"Yeah! Sorry was I bothering you?" she asked, losing some of her enthusiasm.

"No, I'm just busy right now." 

"Okay, I'll talk to you later." thank God she didn't say I love you, I would've said it back, but that would've been even more awkward.
The line went dead, as the teacher in front of me smiled. 

"Is that your girlfriend?" is she stupid? Or has she not seen the name on my door, and the diamond on my ring finger. It clearly states Mrs.

"No, my wife." It looked like her jaw broke when she heard what I said. 

"Aren't you like 17?" she asked, why does she care? She's not my mother.

"No, I'm 18." I'm about to push her out of my room, and down the stairs. 

"Oh, well uhm did you want to walk to the meeting with me?" 

"I'd rather not."

I'm In love with my teacher~Wenclair.Where stories live. Discover now