Chapter 11.

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Lute's POV:

Adam was sitting down at the oval table that took over like half of the whole room, it was fully decorated in blue with gold accents.  I was standing next to him. We were waiting for the princess of hell to finally arrive, so that we could start the live hologram.

He had his freshly made ribs standing in front of him, and was quietly chewing. Still I could hear him. I hate chewing sounds.

The room was located in heaven but it exists exactly the same in hell. So two identical rooms in two different worlds.

Suddenly Sera came through the door, she looked put together and calm as always.

"Oh Sera, I thought you didn't want to do this meeting?" Adam asked her before she could even say hello. I stayed quiet the whole time, it's not my place to talk to her.

"Adam, there's an important information that I would like you to share with the princess of hell in the meeting. I'm happy to say that I am very proud with the results of the last extermination but still there are to many sinners covering the grounds of hell. So the decision was made, that we will move up the next extermination."

Adam and I quickly looked at each other.

"Really? That's gonna be fun. So when will the next extermination be?" apparently Adam was more than happy to hear this, and if I'm all honest I could feel myself getting a little excited. Finally something to do again.

"In six months." Sera said it so nonchalant, neutral, no hint of emotion at all. But that's just her, I guess.

"Oh damn. Alrighty then."

"The princess will soon arrive, the room will be a little dark at first so don't worry about that, it's normal. Good luck, Adam."

"As if I need it!"

Sera had already turned around and was now closing the door behind her.

"You heard that Danger Tits? Next extermination in six months."

"Loud and clear, Sir. I am standing right next to you."

Adam quickly went back to eating his ribs. When the lights went out without a warning. I was a bit startled at first but then remembered Sera's words about how it was normal.

I could hear a door open, my first instinct was to stand up straight and put my hands behind my back. Meeting the princess of hell isn't something you do everyday. Even though she's probably gonna be just as pathetic as her little daddy.

It was still dark when we heard her voice.

"Uhh, hello? Is anyone here?"

In the dark I could make out her figure, she was taller than I would've thought, I suppose she takes after her mother.

"Sup." Adam could've at least been a bit more professional but what do I even expect from him.

Suddenly the bright light turned back on. We were now officially getting projecting down in hell as a hologram. Kind of cool.

"Holy shit!" The girl fell over in shock, Adam really surprised her I guess. I had to hold back a chuckle.

"Hi, I'm Charlie. My dad asked me if I could meet you.", she said as she stood up from the ground and adjusted her hair.

"Yeah, I know.", was the only thing Adam answered. He starts nibbling on another one of the ribs standing before him.

"Okay, well, it's nice to meet you." This girl was way to optimistic.

"Totally. Nice to meet you too." He extended his arm so Charlie had the opportunity to shake his hand. I was about to ask myself how shaking hands with a hologram would even work when Charlie's hand just slipped though Adam's, the hologram even started glitching for a moment.

Angelic || Adam x LuteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz