Chapter 10.

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Adam's POV:

It's been some days since the sleepover and Lute and I have only been seeing each other at training. I was laying in my bed thinking about the day of the sleepover. The blanket covering only my legs, and my upper body leaned against a  little tower of golden pillows. My mask was laying on the little bedside table that was standing next to the bed.

I feel like an asshole. Yes I did go into the kitchen half naked on purpose, but honestly I just wanted to see how she would react. Most of the other exorcist have a crush on me, obviously. But Lute has never seemed to show that kind of interest in me. I just wanted to test something. And yeah, I definitely overstepped some boundaries. Should I apologize? Fuck no. She can be happy that she saw me like that.

Still, there's this knot in my stomach. I know I said I'm gonna get over my feelings. But fuck is it hard to. If I knew if she felt the same or not, it would be way easier to get over her. But I mean I can't just ask her? I just saved this friendship some days ago, I can't lose it all again.

Fuck, why is love so hard? With Lilith and Eve it was so normal, almost natural. Okay yeah, God sent them to me and they were the only ones around, but it's about the principle. With Lute I feel so awkward and anxious, with Lilith and Eve I was confident and knew what to do.

I never had the problem that I was unsure if someone liked me back. Mostly someone had a crush on me and I rejected them, never the other way around.

This time it's so very different. Lute has been by my side basically for forever. She's my lieutenant, my best girl, my best friend. It's been that way ever since she appeared in heaven. And now I suddenly get this crush on her!? Why the fuck is this shit happening now. Yes, I always liked her in some way but never was it this bad. And with every passing minute it gets worse.

It's taking a toll on my ego. Whenever she's around I get so nervous and self aware. I hate it. And she doesn't even seem slightly affected by me. Nothings changed for her but I'm battling with my emotions every fucking time I think of her, wich is like every second minute or so.

I just want me to be normal around her again. I don't even really know why this whole crush thing started. Was it because I realized how much she trust me, was it because I saw how comfortable she was with me by her side, was it because I finally realized how fucking beautiful she really is?

If I had any idea why this was happening maybe I could stop my stupid brain from thinking this way. But there's no one I can talk to about this.

I feel the knot in my stomach getting tighter again.

I kicked the blanket away, and quickly stood up from the bed. My eyes where locked on the opposite side of my bedroom, there hung a big golden cross. With slow steps I got closer to it.

Am I really doing this? It's been so fucking long since the last time I prayed. Would god even listen? Of course he would. I'm the first man! If he will listen to anyone's problems it will be mine. But what will he do about my problem? There's nothing he can change for me. Lute's feelings are nothing that god has power over. But I just want someone to speak to.

And who better is there than the Big G?

Wait how does this work again? Do I speak my thoughts out loud.. firstly I crossed myself, then I intertwined my hands together.

"This is embarrassing. Okay no, sorry, I guess?  Okay. God? There's this girl, Lute. No, wait, you already know her. You know everything after all. Well whatever, I think I have a crush on her. I mean I know that I have a crush on her. But I don't know what to do about it. She's my fucking- oh shit- sorry! No swearing from now on, at least not while praying or something like that. Well she's my lieutenant! We've been best friends for centuries, and now I suddenly love her? That makes no sense. I just want to be normal about her again. Not have this constant feeling in my stomach every time I see her."

I looked up to the cross.

"What am I supposed to do? Please, I just need an answer."

Suddenly I heard the ringing of the door bell.

"What the fuck is it now!"

I almost went to the door without my mask, but then I remembered that it was still laying on the bedside table and went to grab it. When I reached the front door I quickly put it on my head, before opening up.

Lute was standing before me. What the fuck, God?


No Adam? What is going on.

"Danger Tits! What the fuck are you doing here, calling me Sir?"

"You have a meeting today."

"What? Since when? With who? Where? And why?"

She rolled her eyes, as if I was supposed to know this already.

"It's pretty last minute, Sera told me just some minutes ago. Actually the meeting was supposed to be between Sera and Lucifer, but Lucifer apparently changed the plans and now his daughter, Charlie, is covering for him."

"And what's that got to do with me?"

Again she rolled her eyes and sighed before answering me. The fucking audacity she has.

"Well, Sera somehow thought it was a good idea to also let someone else cover her now, and that someone just so happens to be you. Don't ask me why, I also think it's a bad idea."

A smirk spread across my face.

"So, the little princess of hell, you say? What does she want from us?"

"I don't know, Sir. All I know is that you have about thirty minutes to get ready."

"We aren't going down there, or are we?"

"Oh no, we are gonna send a live hologram."

"Thank god, I hate hell, such a bummer atmosphere there."

"Sir, only 25 minutes now! Get ready!"

"I am ready?"

She quickly looked me up and down. Then nodded her head.

"Okay then let's go." Lute quickly turned around and walked down the couple of stairs before my front door.

I closed my front door behind me and then blindly followed her to wherever those holograms were gonna be made.

"Let's get some ribs before the meeting, I'm fucking starving."

This is going to be interesting. I've never met the princess of hell before, my fucking ex-wife's child.

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