Regarding some people.

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Hey, Author here!
I really didn't think I'd ever have to do something like this but there are people in my comments who just make me so uncomfortable. The "jokes" aren't even funny. I don't want to publish a new chapter and the only comments I see over and over again are just:

"When will they fuck?"
"Where's the smut?"
"Now fuck!!"

I wouldn't mind it if it at least at appropriate times, for example when there is a lot of tension or when they are thinking about kissing, but I don't think that commenting "then they fucked" after I wrote three chapters about Lutes backstory where she was SA'd and got a flashback when Adam touched her, is a appropriate time.

This fanfic is not only about smut, not every fanfic has to have countless chapters with only purely smut. Yes I put in the description of the book that there was gonna be smut, but I never said it would be the only thing this book contains. I actually want to write a meaningful story about two characters that I really like, not just some pornography. Also if you only want to read smut then go on A03 or look up oneshots.

By the way
1. I don't find it very funny at all to put me on a "Hate Board" only because I gave a character a (headcanon) backstory.

2. Not taking SA seriously is very concerning and I don't want people like this around my page.

3. Telling me that you will kill yourself or hunt me down and kill me (even if it is a 'joke') if I don't "fix" things, is not okay. I am a person too, not some AI were you put in your command and I spit anything that matches out.

4. I tried to take those 'jokes' lightheartedly but since they happened multiple times, I am not letting myself get disrespected anymore.

The person who did this was already blocked and will not be able to read or comment on this story anymore.

Thank you for understanding. I hope you all have a nice day/night. Next chapter will be out soon.

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