
There was something very violent about their fight. But I just couldn't put my finger on it.

The fight raged on, each man tapping into reserves of strength and resilience. Their movements were a blur of motion, the building shaking with the force of their clash. But after taking that one blow in the back, Azef was only landing punches and kicks. Lilac was definitely the one on the losing end. He got hit a whole bunch of times.

They were constantly moving so it was hard to focus but I saw how devastated Lilac got.

That's when a primal growl echoed through the air. It emanated from Lilac.

My eyes went wide.


His eyes ablaze with a feral intensity as a low rumble reverberated from deep within his chest. It was a sound that spoke of an untamed beast. And then I saw his body swell a little, fur started growing out of his skin that made me question my sanity


I was going to yell at Azef to run, but then I saw him.

As Azef watched, his own instincts stirred. With a primal snarl, he felt the transformation begin, his muscles rippling beneath his skin as the familiar surge of energy coursed through his veins. The air crackled with electricity as the two men started becoming something else.

Something so very not human

With a guttural roar, Lilac's body began to change, his form contorting and shifting as fur sprouted from his skin. His bones cracked and twisted, reshaping into a more bestial form as his humanity faded into the background. In moments, he stood before Azef as a towering werewolf, his eyes burning with a savage hunger.

But Azef wasted no time, he allowed the change to overtake him, his body morphing into that of a massive werewolf, bigger than Lilac's. His fur bristled with barely contained power, his claws gleaming in the dim light as he prepared to face his opponent.

"My God..." The words escaped my mouth and I felt weak in the knees, "Holy Hell..."

The two werewolves squared off once more. Their growls filled the air, a primal aggression as they circled each other, each waiting for the other to make the first move.

I still couldn't believe my eyes. Either I was dreaming, or I had gone insane. Perhaps it was simply because I hadn't slept and the fatigue and worry had finally started to get to me.

The two wolves had their instincts sharpened and their strength amplified. With a thunderous clash, they lunged forward, their claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. Fur flew and claws clashed as they grappled for dominance.

It scared the shit out of me. My skin stood up in fear and my heart drummed so hard, it felt like it would pop out of my chest. I was merely standing in my place, but my breathing got ragged.

Lilac, with his fur bristling and claws bared, lunged forward with a snarl, his movements swift and aggressive. But Azef, towering over him with a primal aura of dominance, met the attack head-on.

With a thunderous clash, their bodies collided, the force of their impact sending shockwaves through the structure. Fur and flesh tore as they grappled for control, their claws flashing in as they tore into each other with savage fury.


My knees felt jiggly and as I continued to watch them, I had a strong urge to run away. Being the mafia, being gangster, being killers. All of that makes sense.

But werewolves? Actual werewolves?!?!

I shook my head. That simply didn't sit in my brain. But, I did finally understand how he was able to kill Hulio so quickly. I thought about it a lot then too. What he did wasn't humanly possible.

I stared at the two wolves with my eyes as wide as they could go.

It was because he was never human to begin with. I stepped further back. I should leave. I have to leave. I can't stay here. I was going to turn around and make a run for it. But, my legs gave out.


I barely managed to not crash myself onto the ground as I sat on the cement floor with my legs folded.

Oh Lord...

I turned to look at the fight.

Despite Lilac's best efforts, Azef proved to be the superior combatant. With brute strength and calculated precision, he overpowered his opponent at every turn. Each swipe of his claws landed with bone-crushing force, leaving Lilac battered and bloodied in his wake.

I closed my eyes. It was making me sick. There was too much violence and blood for me to digest.

As the battle raged on, Azef's dominance became increasingly apparent. With a guttural growl he unleashed a flurry of devastating blows, each strike finding its mark with deadly accuracy. Lilac, struggling to keep pace, found himself on the defensive, his movements growing slower and more labored with each passing moment.

I had my eyes closed but I could still hear everything. Each time there was a clash, my heart skipped a beat along with it and my body shook.

Oh Lord, please just let it end fast. Please!

I opened my eyes a little to peek.

In a final, decisive move, Azef seized the advantage, delivering a powerful blow that sent Lilac crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. The impact echoed through the abandoned building as the losing party remained on the ground.

Breathless and battered, Lilac lay at Azef's feet. Azef's wolf bit down on Lilac's neck hard, his canines plunging into Lilac's body. Blood spluttered out

That scene was horrifying. It was gut wrenching

It made me feel sick as well

I felt so dizzy at that point that once my mind went in a spiral and the next moment I was out.

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