Never Trust a Snake

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~Coles POV~

I could barely rest last night. Every time I tried a nightmare of some terrible scenario that (y/n) was the victim of would always come back. It wasn't till at least 3 hours after midnight did, I finally get that blissful black void. Sadly, I was the first to wake up, which meant I had to wake the others. First, I tried to wake Zane who, to my surprise, didn't wake and instead shifted away his face twisting up.

I figured I would wake the others and save Zane for last. I woke Kai next who was tossing and turning and before I could even try to wake him, he woke first.

"Dang it sunrise exercise" Kai muttered as he calmed down.

"Took the words out of my mouth, Nightmare?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Me? Pffttt ha ha n-no" Kai exclaimed nervously.

"Chill I get it I had a few last nights as well" I explained underexaggerating the few.

I woke Jay next. He woke with a yelp and fell out of his bed, hitting the floor with a groan of pain. I turned back to Zane to see him tossing and turning.

"Looks like he's having some dream. Probably should let him be" Kai said.

"Sure" I shrugged and started to remake my very messed up bed.

A moment later Zane woke with a jolt.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Zane asked.

"You looked like you were having some dream" Kai replied calmly.

"How do I know if this is not a dream" Zane asked looking around.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pillow and smacked the side of his face with it.

"Does that feel like a dream?" I jokingly and smirking with a raised eyebrow.

"No, thank you for helping" Zane said sarcastically, causing everyone to laugh.

~time skip~

"Little slow today huh?" Kai said with an eyebrow raised, as we walked out onto the deck.

"So what did you dream about" Kai chuckled a bit.

"I saw the falcon again" Zane replied calmly, causing everyone to whip their head around.

"Whoa, Zane. Every time you see that bird something big happens. First it let you to the secret tree house" Jay explained almost rambling off.

"Then it led you to the bounty" I continued Jay's sentence.

Before we could go any deeper Sensi started stretches.

~Your POV~

I was currently hiding as a small lean dragon, that I had shifted to when I met Rocky, in Lloyd's hood. We were marching towards the Hypnobri to attack them, so Lloyd could exact his revenge. My mind wasn't really on that though. I was more focused on how warm Lloyd seemed right now.

I snuggled deeper into his neck, letting out a quiet instinctual purr. The small lean dragon that I am right now isn't meant to be in such a cold climate, so being here with Lloyd inside his hood was perfectly warm.

Then I felt a warm hand scratch under my chin, which through all of my common sense out of the window. I started to purr a little more and leaned into his gentle and warm touch. Thankfully my purring wasn't able to be heard over the roars of the Fangpyre machinery.

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