The King of Shadows {Part 1}

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(y/n) = Your name

(e/c) = Eye color

(o/o/y/c) = Outfit of your choice


"Eye spy something... white" Jay said his voice echoing off the shimmering blue and white ice.

"Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy" Cole replied taking one hand off the wheel and gesturing to it.

A loud scrape echoed throughout the icy canyon and the entire ship rocked, forcing Cole to return his attention to the water ahead.

"Ugh. Eye spy something broken" Jay said exasperated.

I giggled a bit but immediately shivered right after from the cold. I wanted to shift into a πάγος dragon (see A/N) or just shift in general to anything at this point, I hadn't shifted in days, and I was feeling it taking a toll on me, physically. If I didn't shift soon, I'll either suffer in the cold or get stuck in my human form.

I know I hold heat in better since I am a shifter, but seriously!? This is way too cold even for me! I looked over and saw Kai shiver violently his ear tips really red and I am pretty sure he's getting even more pale by the second.

I felt bad for him. Even if I didn't trust him completely yet, I still kind of care. After a bit of hesitation, I walked forward and hugged him around the bottom of his torso. He looked down surprised for a moment then melted into me, wrapping his arms around me and leaning his head down to rest on top of mine.

"Kid, you are SO warm" Kai muttered while sitting down and snuggling into you further, his instinct to stay warm must of been stronger than his will to look tough and cool, metaphorically cool.

I just hugged him slightly tighter and patted his back, so he knew I was listening.

"If Sensi knows the way to the golden weapons, why isn't HE steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles!" Kai whined, still holding my small body against him for warmth.

"Sensi's wisdom is beyond my own" Zane said briefly turning his gaze to Kai before looking back to Master Wu, who was balanced on one foot on the very front of the ship, which was a beautifully carved dragon head.

From then on, I only heard snippets of the conversation my attention turned to the shimmering reflective ice that bordered the river:

"...Powerful move...Tornado..."

Kai suddenly got up and balanced me on his shoulders jolting me from my trance. He did some spins and kicks, while I was on his shoulders mind that. Safe? Probably not. I giggled as he spun once more.

"No Kai, if done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consciences" Wu warned.

"Disastrous consequences my-" Kai started.

"KAI!!! LANGUAGE INFRONT OF (Y/N)!!!" Jay yelped a horrified expression on his face.

I looked at him confused. What? what was he going to say? Was it going to be something like a-

my thoughts were interrupted by the ship shaking violently and stopping suddenly. I wobbled on Kai's shoulders almost falling backwards but regaining my balance. 

"Wasn't me!" Cole shouted from the stern.

Kai looked up at me to make sure I was alright before speaking,

"Did I do that?"

"No" Master Wu said shaking his head before continuing, "we have arrived."

I looked over and saw a magnificent towering mountain seemingly made completely of ice. There was a long narrow path leading up to a cave entrance at the foot of the mountain, that had brilliant icy arches.

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