Uuh Hello

523 12 4

Yes, that is the chapter title and you're going to have to read the chapter to find out why it is called that.


(y/n) = your name

(h/l) = hair length

(h/c) = hair color

(e/c) = eye color


~Your POV~

You were slammed into the ground and a dark figure pinned you down. You were in your dragon form and struggling to fight whoever this was, they were too fast for you to identify them. You let out a strangles roar of pain as the figure pressed down on your throat with an ice-cold hand, like touching dry ice.

The pain was making it hard to focus and hold my dragon form. I could feel the form starting to waver, I am treading on thin ice now. I can't fight in my human form! I am safer in my dragon form! If I'm in my dragon for no one could hurt me! .... then how can this person hurt me?

My thoughts were interrupted by a menacing low husk voice and another wave of pain at me throat.

"All you need to do is join me and your pain will be over" He whispered in my ear.

"Never *Gasp* Threaten my life all you want *gasp* I'll never help you with whatever dark plan you have" I said while strangling to get air into my lungs.

"Such a shame, I don't want power like yours to go to waste child" The figure said in a dark sticky sweet tone.

"What I have is no power it is a curse" I hissed back a retort.

"...A curse?" The figure faltered and I took my chance.

With one powerful thrust of my hindlegs I launched him off me and into a tree. The pain slowly fading from my throat. I got back into a defensive stance my wings spread wide to make myself look larger.

"Who told you it was a curse?" The figure asked, I think I imagined concern in his tone.

"None of your business" I hissed taking this as a chance to get a better look at the figure.

There wasn't much to see though since it looked basically like a shadow with glowing red eyes. What I said before must of either aggravated him or snapped him back to his senses since he leapt forward again this time with an arrow in hand, where he got that still eludes me. I dodged but unfortunately, I was a moment too late because the arrow caught on my leg and lodged itself between my scales.




What kind of arrow is that!? No normal arrow could do that!

I growled in pain and went for a swipe at him only for my claws to pass right through. I felt surprised but instantly got back up. I had to think of something fast. I have the perfect plan! RUN!! With that I bolted through the trees shifting my scales into a chameleon dragon (see last chapter for a reference) I instantly camouflaged into my surroundings and hid in a shadow, even if I can't be seen with the naked eye, I still can cast a shadow since I am technically not invisible.

"Where did that slithering reptile go!" The shadow hissed.

"Fine, I'll find that child again, but I have more important matters to attend to, SAMUKAI!!!" The shadow shouted as she disappeared into the ground.

I waited for 30 more minutes despite my wounds and limbs protests. I stalked out of the shadow allowing myself to shift back into a human now that the coast was clear. I sighed then tried to take a step but fell yelping in pain. The arrow was lodged into my leg still with crimson blood dribbling out of it.

"well-" I stopped and hissed in pain again as a sharp burning sensation flashed through my throat.

Curse that shadow guy! NOW I CAN'T TALK!!! I don't even need to look into his soul to know he is a-

my thoughts were interrupted when a twig snapped.

~Coles POV (Didn't see that coming huh!! :D)~

Me, Jay, and Zane were instructed by Sensi Wu to head to the forest for a few days to train and bond together.

"I don't see why this will help us! Like aren't we already solid?" Jay complained.

"I sense Sensi has alternate reasons of sending us out." Zane stated.

"Whatever guess we need to-" I started but stopped myself I could have sworn I heard a yelp of pain.

"NEED TO WHAT!! I'M MISSING OUT ON VIDEO GAMES COLE!! VIDEO GAMES!!!!" Jay shouted who was promptly shushed by Zane, he must have heard it to.

I motioned for them to follow; we treaded silently through the forest despite the leaves on the ground. Is someone hurt? Who would be out here? I grew more suspicious as I drew closer to where I heard the sound.

We arrived at a clearing peeking out of some bushes. We saw a little (h/l) (h/c) girl that had mesmerizing (e/c) eyes.

"Wel-" She stopped and hissed in pain her hand shooting to her throat daring not to touch it.

I looked her over and saw she looked about 12 and had several cuts all over, a few gashes on her arms and legs, a bruise on her arm, an arrow stuck in her leg, and her throat looked sort of burned but it had a purplish-blue tint to it. What in the world did this 12-year-old do!?


Shoot, I whipped my head around to Jay who was frozen with a twig that was snapped in half under his foot. Me and Zane glared at him but were snapped out of our thoughts when we heard the girl shout out into the forest.

"Who's there!" She shouted looking around, I could have sworn I saw a hint of panic behind those wide (e/c) eyes of hers.

I was the first to make a move stepping out of the bush my hands in the air to show I meant no harm.

"Uuh hello?" I nervously said giving her an uneasy smile.

Her tense posture didn't falter.

"Look kid, we just want to help" I said bringing my hands down.

"We? So, there are others here!?" She exclaimed taking a step back. I could already tell she was a very skittish.

"Yes, Jay! Zane! Come one out" I turned around looking at the bush. They both stepped out.

"We really just want to help you with those wounds of yours little one" Zane said in a calm soothing tone.

"I am fine" She mumbled stubbornly.

"There's and arrow in your leg!!" Jay exclaimed (reference hehe >:3).

Her gaze shifted to her leg or a short moment the snapped back up.

"And you're losing a lot of blood" Zane added.

She opened her mouth and closed it.

"Please just let us help you" I pleaded looking directly into her eyes.

Her (e/c) eyes seemed to pierce right through me. She held my gaze, searching for something in my eyes. Finaly she reluctantly nodded.

I was about to approach her carefully to ensure I won't frighten her when I noticed that her legs were shaking, and her breathing was shallow. How did I just now notice this!? How long was she like that!? Suddenly, her legs buckled, I rushed forward and caught her before she reached the ground.

"We need to get her to camp asap. The emergency kit there should have all we need" Zane said already turning to leave.

I picked up her small weak and limp form and we all ran back to camp.


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