CHAPTER XIV - Substitute

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"Bring me to Shao, right this instant," Mileena demanded.

Li Mei nodded. "Of course. Are you three coming, too?"

"Yes. We are," says Kitana firmly, answering for the others. They didn't seem to mind as they wanted to go too.

"Sounds good. Follow me now."

Li Mei leaded them to inside the palace. Mileena noticed the village seemed empty. She hoped everyone was okay. They were probably in their homes.

She knew Shao was up to something...but what she didn't know is that he would do this. It makes sense, though, she thought. He was trying to overthrow her, making her look bad...then replacing her.

How could he do this?! What a disgrace. She never liked him to begin with, even when she was younger. She was always afraid of him. Though Mileena isn't afraid of him anymore.

She found herself caring more about her Father right now. Mileena cannot lose him again. She cannot lose both parents. If Shao killed him, she might just go insane. She will make Shao pay. Well, she'll make him pay nonetheless...yet still.

They were stopped at the palace entrance by some of Shao's men.

"Sorry, you cannot come in. Only Emperor Shao may, and others he says are allowed to."
Mileena grumbled under her breath, they walked out of earshot and began talking.

"What are we going to do?" Says Jade, "We have to get in there."

"We could kill them," Kitana suggested.

"Or we could sneak in," Tanya starts, "We don't want to draw attention. Plus, they seem stronger than the five of us..."

"How are your wounds?" Tanya asked Li Mei.

"They're fine. Not completely healed yet, but I should be okay."

"Got it, just making sure."

"So what should we do?" Kitana said.

"I say we sneak in," Jade replies, "Tanya had a point. We do not want to draw any unwanted attention."

"I agree with that," Mileena says.

The others agree to as well.

"Perfect. Let us go now." Li Mei leads them away from the guards. "Is there another way to get in?"

"Yes, there should be. Whenever I sneak out I use this way to get out. Here is hoping Shao did not see it..."

"I thought you stopped sneaking out, Sister?"

"I did. For a while. I just go to the garden, though..."

"You know you need rest, right? It is not good for you to stay up."

"Now isn't the time, Kitana. We have to focus on getting in and stopping Shao, not this..." she snapped.

" apologies."

Mileena bit her lip. She instantly felt bad for snapping at her. It's just that this situation has her worried for her Father.

She turns to Kitana. " sorry. I am just worried for Father."

"No, yeah, I get it," she responded. "Let us just go."

Mileena nodded slightly. Mileena guided them to the other entrance, it wasn't guarded thankfully. But just in case, Mileena peered through the windows. She spotted no one.

"All right, this is it."

Thankfully it was unlocked, she opened the door and let them come inside.

"Where might he be?" Says Jade.

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