CHAPTER I - The Crown

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It had been months since the Empress of Outworld had died, leaving her first born daughter to the task of ruling the land. Mileena's coronation was drawing closer, causing her to worry more. Although her sister, Kitana, and her father, Jerrod, had comforted her, ensuring that everything will be okay, however, it did not stop her worry.

Mileena walked through the royal garden. It was past the time she should be in bed. She loved taking night walks in the garden alone. It's peaceful. Her Mother had never approved of it. Always ridiculing her for doing such a thing.

Now that her Father is back from the dead, he says the same things. Except he's more kinder.

Mileena's sister, Kitana, was the same.

She hated it. How she was the odd one out. Especially after she was inflicted with the Tarkat disease. If the people were to find out, it'll be much harder to become Empress than it already is.

Even though her Mother could be a pain, Mileena still missed her. She won't lie, she was just trying to protect her daughters. But sometimes it felt a little extreme to Mileena.

Mileena never fit in with anybody. She was an outcast. A loser. People only liked her because she was royalty. Even then, many people frowned upon her.

She even overheard her mother talking to her sister, saying how she wished Kitana was born first. To Sindel, Kitana was more of an older sister in many ways. She was more mature and smarter. The perfect woman to rule Edenia.

So Mileena never felt good enough for anybody. Her mother was more harsh and protective over her since she got Tarkat. Rightfully so, sure, but Mileena swore she was fine. It hadn't taken over her fully. So she was fine. That didn't stop Sindel from being overprotective.

Mileena used to go for walks outside the palace. It was better than walking through the garden. She loved the feeling of the cold breeze on her skin, without the sun shining in her sensitive eyes.

One of the Umgadi would help sneak her out, so she wouldn't get caught, occasionally coming with. Tanya was her name. They were about the same age.

The last time she went out did not end so well. She was with Tanya that night.

This is how that night went;

Mileena changed into more comfortable clothes to go out with. And by comfortable, that meant something to withstand the cold. Mileena took her sai with her, just in case.

She wrapped her fingers around the doorknob, but stopped. She should bring a jacket for Tanya. Tanya has to wear that Umgadi uniform all the time, and it is disrespectful to wear other things like jackets with the outfit. But she didn't want her to freeze.

Mileena turned around, and searched for a jacket fast. She found one. It was gray. Perfect to hide her yellow uniform in the night. Not many people are up at night in Outworld, but it's just in case. A scandal like this would get the two in trouble.

She left her room, ensured that she got everything she needed. She quietly ventured through the large halls of the palace, making sure she was not caught by the guards, or anyone else for that matter.

Kitana should be asleep, but their Mother is most definitely awake, preforming Empress duties.

Mileena finally met Tanya at their meeting spot.

"Tanya," Mileena said quietly, greeting her.

"Princess Mileena," she replied silently with a smile. "What is that you have?"

"A jacket—" Mileena outstretched the jacket wielding arm—"for you. So you don't get cold."

Tanya took the jacket. She smiled. "Thank you, Princess. It does get quite cold sometimes." She smirked.

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