CHAPTER XIII - This Instant

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Sareena walked the group to a small area where she then summoned a portal. Mileena was half conscious now, but Tanya still held onto her.

"All right..." Sareena started, "this is where you guys can get back."

"Are you coming?" Fujin asked quietly.

"I—" she hesitated, "I am not sure. I know Quan Chi will get very mad at me when he recovers...but this is *my home.*"

"So you'd rather be in danger?" Raiden said, "Don't you rather be happy? Comfortable?"

"Yes, but still..."

Kung Lao jumped in, "You should come with us."

"Should I? Are you sure? Am I...even welcome there?"

"Of course you are," says Liu Kang, "you will always be welcome with us."

"Yeah, you should come with. Please?" Fujin seemed to have forgotten that Sareena was just trying to kill her. It was odd.

"Okay..." she glanced at Kitana. "You are right. I will come with the four of you."

"Excellent," says Raiden.

"We should go now," says Jade, "quick."

They glance over to the entrance of the room they are in, a few Demons who appear to mean no good stand in the door.

"Let us go!" Tanya says, walking through the portal with Mileena in her arms.

Raiden urges for Fujin to go through next, and she does. Raiden stays behind with Liu Kang, they both make sure everyone leaves.

"Sareena, your turn."

"Right..." she mumbled.

She quickly went through the portal, and Raiden goes through next, then Liu Kang.

The Demons run to the portal, it closes, but one manages to make it.

"Where are we?" Says Fujin, looking around. "This isn't Fengjian."

"I have no idea," Raiden replies.

Liu Kang stepped forward. "I know where we are, this is the Lin Keui base."

"Lin Keui? How did we get here?"

"I must have messed up on summoning the portal. I am not really good at the summoning the portals."

"No worries, Sareena, I can try to summon a portal back to Fengjian."

"Okay, good."

Soon, a Demon jumps out of the still open portal. The others turn around.

"Tanya, take Mileena and run!" Said Kitana.

"Run where?!"

"Away from the Demon!"

Tanya nodded, she walked up the steps carefully, but stopped before she made it all the way.

The Demon had a dagger, they tried to swing at them.

Fujin rushed to get her arrows out quickly, her hands were shaking which made it harder.

The Demon punched Kitana and swung the knife at her. She dodged the knife and kicked them, then uppercut them.

The Demon managed to slice her arm, she stumbled back, groaning in pain. She wouldn't let this stop her though.

Meanwhile, Fujin managed to place the arrow in her crossbow, she readied it. The Demon glanced over at her, they grumbled under their breath and dashed over to her.

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