CHAPTER XII - Safe and Sound

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Thankfully, the group was together, rather than being split up.

"This is the..." Kung Lao started.

"Netherrealm," said Liu Kang. "This is dangerous."

He turned back, the portal was gone. Liu Kang pursed his lips. "Follow me. Do not do anything to draw attention."

They started walking to who knows where. But Liu Kang had an idea. They could have gotten captured. By none other than Quan Chi. He wasn't entirely sure, but there was a chance. Quan Chi is pretty quick to get information.

They followed behind quickly. "No shouting for them?" Kitana asked.

"No. Demons here are very dangerous. Any unwanted attention could be disastrous for us."

"All right. Just making sure, of course."

They continue walking, but Liu Kang sees something. That fiery river.

"Stay back," he instructed.

"Woah. That could melt your skin right off!" Says Kung Lao.

"Yes, be careful."

"We should go. Before someone happens to fall in, or worse," Kitana said.

"Yes, that would be a shame, won't it?" A distant voice said.

They turned around to see the three Demons. Jataaka, the strongest, Sareena, the smartest, and Kia, the newest.

"What do you want?!" Said Kung Lao confidently.

"We need you," said Jataaka smoothly and slowly, "to capture."

"No! We will not let you!" Said Liu Kang. This somewhat confirmed his thought that Quan Chi was behind this, and had captured them.

"Fine, then. Put up a fight. Nothing will stop us!"

Jade brought out her weapon, she stood just before Jataaka. Liu Kang stood next to Jade, to help her.

"We got this," she said before attempting to whack the Demon with her staff.

Jataaka quickly pulled out her weapon, a sword, and stopped the staff from coming in contact with her.

Liu Kang kicked Jataaka, knocking her down.

She groaned from the impact, but got up quickly. Liu Kang uppercut her, then punched her once more.

Jade ran over to Jataaka, and signaled for Liu Kang to move out of the way before she smacked her with the staff.

Jataaka grumbled to herself, she dashed towards Jade, and attempted to slash her with the sword.

Jade dodged with her staff. She kicked Jataaka.

Jataaka did a spin kick, her foot connecting with Jade's shoulder. Jade nearly lost her footing under the loose rocks of the ground.

Fujin had never really fought before. She knew some moves, to protect herself. But she wasn't perfect. Both Kung Lao and Raiden had been training her.

She shoved Kia, the other demon, who punched her in the face right after.

"That is not nice," said Kung Lao, who grabbed his hat and threw it towards the Demon.

It slashed her bare arm, successfully. The hat flew back to Kung Lao, like a boomerang.

Fujin kicked Kia, then punched her.

"You've got one heck of a punch..." the Demon muttered.

"Good. I am glad it hurts!"

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