Love Inextinct

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Title: Love Inextinct

Title: Love Inextinct

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'Benjamin', the Tasmanian tiger was charged with the duty of being a caretaker for 'Sintu', the last dugong from Thailand who had just become extinct minutes ago.

Extinct animals do not truly disappear forever but remain wandering in this world. They live among humans by taking on their appearance in order to wait for a certain important something...

Within this awkward and disastrous learning period of trying to understand the actions and thoughts of humans, Benjamin becomes attached to one human, a biologist devoted to studying genetics. Yet he felt troubled. He wished to entrust the entirety of his love and hope into these hands.

...But could he come to trust humans once more?

What I Think

This tale explores the life of a Tasmanian tiger who has transformed into a human. The story centers around Ben, who helps Sintu, a newly extinct dugong, adjust to his new circumstances. Meanwhile, Ben is also dealing with complex feelings towards Henrick and humanity as a whole.

The narrative is well-crafted and the translation is top-notch, making it an engaging read. However, it's important to note that the romance is not the main focus here; it takes a backseat to the broader themes. The male lead doesn't appear until the sixth chapter. This isn't a light, fluffy read but rather a story that provokes thought. Be cautious if you're sensitive to themes of death, as they are mentioned frequently.

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